Hong Kong work visa
Business Visa

How to get a Hong Kong Work Visa for Foreigners

Everyone knows that you need to earn a lot to live well in Hong Kong. If you are still far from opening your own business in Hong Kong, there is another thing you can do as a foreigner, namely looking for a job in Hong Kong. But of course, you know that looking for work in Hong Kong as a foreigner will not be the same as being a citizen. This article will discuss how to get a Hong Kong work visa so that you have the opportunity to live well and contribute to Hong Kong. How to Get a Job in Hong Kong as a Foreigner As a foreigner, it will be easier for you to get a job in Hong Kong if you can speak Mandarin or Cantonese. But if you don't really understand the language and are still in the learning stage, you can look for a job with a universal language like English, although the competition will also be more difficult. But if you are fluent in both languages, it will be easier for you to get a job at local companies. The thing you have to prepare is to get a Hong Kong work visa. Every local citizen will struggle to get a job in their country, so foreigners also cannot find work that easily. Apart from having to compete with local residents, they must have different permits from local citizens when applying for jobs. Everyone has the right to live well in Hong Kong, but still with fair opportunities and applicable regulations Job opportunities for foreigners in Hong Kong Hong Kong government has a program called talent list which encourages foreigners to move to Hong Kong under the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme. It will be easier for you to get work in Hong Kong as a foreigner, and sometimes those professions do not require a visa. But the applicants must meet certain experience and education requirements in order to qualify. Every year the admission scheme allows for 1000 expats to enter Hong Kong. Some qualifying professions are: Actuaries, investment managers, fund managers, film industry professionals, game developers and producers, data scientists, cyber security specialists, fintech professionals, IT experts, marine engineers, etc. Applying job in Hong Kong Write a resume in English, Mandarin, or Cantonese, depending on which language is best for you. Of course, you have to adapt to open job applications, and adjust them to existing needs. Follow a Hong Kong-style CV, by looking for references on the internet or your contacts in Hong Kong, entering your personal information, and making sure you fill in your name, address, email address, and telephone number at the top of your resume. List your education details with your latest achievements, you can put your marital and visa status to ensure the company understands where you come from. Arrange your CV concisely and fit everything on one or two pages only. You don't need to bring proof of qualifications or references to your application, but just in case you need to bring it to the interview. During the interview, bring a copy of your CV, Hong Kong ID card if you have it, your academic qualification documents, reference letter, letter of resignation if necessary. You can ask about the minimum wage and average salary, or you can do research first. Adjust your salary to your work time, and make sure this figure can meet your needs for living in Hong Kong. How do I get a Hong Kong work visa? Getting a work permit or employment visa in Hong Kong is not too difficult, and is free. Apply for Hong Kong work visa under the General Employment Policy (GEP). Submit the work visa application form by presenting the documents in person or mailing it. The visa under the GEP scheme has an active period, so you must already have a confirmed job offer or your workplace has asked you to show a work permit or work visa. Things You Need to Know About Business Visa for HK Foreigners For the visa application, you must write the open position of the potential employer. There are separate rules for visa applications and the Immigration Department will require several requirements such as: A graduate degree or professional experience for the job position, your potential salary and working conditions are comparable to local standards, measure your contribution to the local economy, the company can show that there are no local citizens who can fill the particular position. After you are approved to get a work visa under the GEP scheme, you need to invite your spouse and your children under the age of 18, and prove your marriage is genuine. You must be able to show that you will support your family financially and guarantee them a life in accordance with the standard of living in Hong Kong and suitable accommodation. Your spouse can also get a job without having to take care of an extra work permit or visa. Is there a special agent to help with processing a work visa in Hong Kong? Do you understand what you have to prepare to apply for work in Hong Kong and get a work visa as a foreigner, but are you confused about finding free time and the amount of documents that have to be taken care of? SMEBrother will be a professional agency for you in arranging work permits or work visas in Hong Kong. SMEBrother has become the right place to take care of anything related to business, from small to medium-sized businesses, for anything needed by anyone who wants to survive their business in Hong Kong. We also have other services for personal, such as opening a Hong Kong bank account, applying for work visa, opening a Hong Kong company, tax treatment, and many others. We have been focusing on providing one-stop company registration, publicity and related professional services for SMEs and micro enterprises for almost a decade. We hope that anyone who wants to increase their business and their income in Hong Kong will be able to open up a better future.
Business Visa
Business Visa

Things You Need to Know About Business Visa for HK Foreigners

Hong Kong is a metropolis that is famous for its global connectivity, vibrant culture, thriving economy, and is the place of choice for many people who want to look for new opportunities. Everyone has different needs when they want to travel to Hong Kong. Some are pursuing a new job, studying at the educational institutes, or seeking opportunities as investors or entrepreneurs. For various existing needs, Hong Kong offers several visa options tailored to individuals' needs. If you are going to Hong Kong for business, this article will tell you about business visa for HK foreigners. What is a business visa in Hong Kong There are many foreign companies or foreigners who want to open a business or individuals who want to work in a Hong Kong company and live in Hong Kong. For some of these needs, entrepreneurs, or job seekers, need to apply for a visa for themselves for their work and business matters. There are several main types of business visa for HK foreigners, namely Hong Kong employment visa, Hong Kong investment visa, and M visa (Mainland China business visa). Hong Kong Employment visa is used for individuals who want to work in a Hong Kong company and stay for a long time. Applicants need to have special skills, experience, knowledge, and a good educational background. Each application is based on the applicant's qualifications and the sponsoring company. Hong Kong investment visa for foreign entrepreneurs who want to start and run their own business and relocate to Hong Kong. There are assessment criteria for businesses that want to open a new company or branch in Hong Kong, one of which is that the company must be able to prove that the business can make a significant contribution to the Hong Kong economy.   外籍人士申請香港簽證| 詳細攻略介紹   As a bonus, we will inform you about the M visa or Mainland China business visa for individuals who wish to come to Mainland China on a short-term basis, for visiting clients and factories, commercial and trade activities, signing contracts, or negotiating with clients. How do I get a business visa for Hong Kong? How to get a business visa for HK foreigners depends on eligibility. For the HK employment visa, it depends on you as an applicant (employee) or sponsor (employer). While the HK investment visa depends on you as an applicant (entrepreneur) or new business. There is no quota system for all visas related to this, because each application is considered based on its own merit. For applicants' visas, there must be no criminal records or security objections. Foreigners must have a good educational background, achievements, relevant professional abilities, and experience. For entrepreneurs, the Immigration Department needs to obtain proof of available funding, such as assets or bank statements. For new businesses and sponsors, the applicant must show proof that the business they will run has a substantial contribution to the Hong Kong economy. Even though there are no official minimum requirements, the Immigration Department expects the applicant to have an office space, have a significant investment that is in line with cash flow and business needs, create local jobs by optimizing for hiring Hong Kong employees during the first year of business. How to apply for a business visa for HK foreigners To establish or join in business for foreigners in Hong Kong, these are several steps that must be taken. Investment requirements There are no minimum requirements from the authorities when foreigners apply for a Hong Kong visa. But after the application is running, the authorities will examine your business plan to see whether it is in accordance with your proposed investment and is sufficient with your business plan. You need to ensure that the proposed investment covers the operational expenses and start up for at least 3-6 month period. Eligibility criteria The applicants must not have any criminal records or security objections. The applicant is preferable to have at least an undergraduate degree that is appropriate to the business being run. If no degree is specified, applicants need to demonstrate relevant professional abilities, documentary evidence of good technical qualifications, and experience or achievements. The business must prove that it will make a substantial contribution to the economy of Hong Kong by how the company will create jobs for the local workforce, utilize the suppliers in the area, services of local service providers, manufacturers, etc. Document required There are several documents that must be prepared by the applicant. First, completed application form. Second, a copy of the personal page of the passport or stay label in Hong Kong. Third, a copy of proof of relevant working experience and academic qualifications. Fourth, a copy of the company's appointment letter, employment contract, detailed information about salary, post, fringe benefits, and employment period. Some other things are a copy of proof of the overseas residence, a copy of the Business Registration Certificate, and a detailed two-year business plan starting from the amount of investment, setting up showroom/warehouse/office, business activities, and creation of local jobs posts. Application procedure and timeline The application needs to be submitted to the Hong Kong Immigration Department by post, and processing time is about 3-5 months. If the application is successful, the Immigration Department will issue an Entry Permit or visa label and must be collected from the immigration office in-person by authorized representative or the applicant. In case if the application is rejected, you can submit an appeal to the authorities. How to easily apply for a business visa for HK foreigners If you are confused about arranging everything for your new business in Hong Kong or your need to work in Hong Kong is urgent, you can use the services of SMEBrother to solve your business visa problem. We can take care of all the documents needed for a business visa, and you just have to wait until the application is complete, and can immediately notify you if there is anything needed for an appeal or other important things.     SMEBrother is the right place to take care of everything foreigners need for everything from business, licensing, legal, to information to advance business. Immediately check our website for whatever you need for the progress of your business and interests.


《中華人民共和國出境入境管理法》第四十一條規定:外國人在中國境內工作,應當按照規定取得工作許可和工作類居留證件。任何單位和個人不得聘用未取得工作許可和工作類居留證件的外國人。 註意:持有工作累居留許可或工作簽證,才能算是合法就業,拿到其它簽證(Q探親簽證、L旅遊簽證、M貿易簽證、學習類居留許可簽證、私人事務類居留許可)進行工作,都屬於非法就業,是要受到國家嚴厲處罰的,所以務必確認拿到的簽證種類再參加工作。   服務對象 A類 外籍高端人才 外國高端人才是指符合“高精尖缺”和市場需求導向,中國經濟社會發展需要的科學家、科技領軍人才、國際企業家、專門特殊人才等,以及符合計點積分外國高端人才標準的人才。外國高端人才可不受年齡、學歷和工作經歷限制。具體見外國人來華工作分類標準(試行)。   B類 外籍專業人才 外國專業人才是指符合外國人來華工作指導目錄和崗位需求,屬於經濟社會發展急需的人才,具有學士及以上學位和2年及以上相關工作經歷,年齡不超過60周歲;對確有需要,符合創新創業人才、專業技能類人才、優秀外國畢業生、符合計點積分外國專業人才標準的以及執行政府間協議或協定的,可適當放寬年齡、學歷或工作經歷等限制。具體見外國人來華工作分類標準(試行)。國家對專門人員和政府項目人員有規定的,從其規定   C類 其他外籍人員 其他外國人員是指滿足國內勞動力市場需求,符合國家政策規定的其他外國人員。   申請條件 1 年滿18周歲,身體健康 2 具有從事其工作所必需的專業技能或相適應的知識水平 3 無犯罪記錄 4 境內有確定的用人單位 5 註:(外國高端人才不受年齡和工作經歷限制)   流程 1 聯繫與簽約 2 協助審核文件 預審 3 申請《外國人來華工作許可通知》和資料審查 申請z字簽證 4申請人取得Z簽證後入境中國 5 入境後申領工作許可證並遞交紙質材料 6 審查材料 審批通過,通知現場領取《外國人來華工作許可證》 7 許可信息交換至公安部門,辦理工作類居留許可 8 所有證件辦理完畢,快遞至客戶手中   外國人來華工作許可常見問題 Q1:怎樣的單位可以聘用外國人 用人單位要依法設立,無嚴重違法失信記錄;聘用外國人從事的崗位應是有特殊需要,國內暫缺適當人選,且不違反國家有關規定的崗位;支付所聘用外國人的工資、薪金不得低於當地最低工資標準。法律法規規定應由行業主管部門前置審批的,需經過批准。   Q2:外國語言教學人員需具備什麼條件? 外國語言教學人員原則上應從事其母語國母語教學,並取得大學學士及以上學位且具有2年以上語言教育工作經歷。其中,取得教育類、語言類或師範類學士及以上學位的,或取得所在國教師資格證書或取得符合要求的國際語言教學證書的(如TEFL),可免除工作經歷要求。   Q3:其他外國人員(C類)包括哪些人員? 其他外國人員是指滿足國內勞動力市場需求,符合國家政策規定的其他外國人員。 主要包括: ①符合現行外國人在中國工作管理規定的外國人員。 ②從事臨時性、短期性(不超過90日)工作的外國人員。 ③實施配額制管理的人員,包括根據政府間協議來華實習的外國青年、符合規定條件的外國留學生和境外高校外籍畢業生、遠洋捕撈等特殊領域工作的外國人等。   Q4:外國人要來華工作需要經過哪些基本流程? 用人單位要註冊賬號,完成單位備案。 申請《外國人工作許可通知》。 申請《外國人工作許可證》。 辦理外國人居留證件。   為外籍人士申請來華工作