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Accounting Tax∣大陸報稅
Accounting |會計做賬
Accounting |會計做賬
Sale priceFrom $350.00
Apply China Foreigner's Work Permit | 外國人申請來華工作許可
Apply China Licensing | 申請大陸商業牌照
Apply for 3c (China Compulsory Certification) certification | 申請3C認證服務
Apply for Deregistration of China Company | 申請註銷中國公司
Save $2,920.00
Apply for Deregistration of Hong Kong Company | 申請註銷香港公司
Apply for IC (Industry Canada) certification service| 申請IC認證服務
Apply for ICP Filing  | 申請ICP備案Apply for ICP Filing  | 申請ICP備案
Apply for inspection service | 申請驗貨服務
Apply Hong Kong Foreigner's Work Visa | 外國人申請來港工作簽證
Audits of funded schemes | 受資助計劃審計
Below 1 mil Accounting |每月進賬低於100萬 會計做賬
Below 2 mil Accounting |每月進賬低於200萬 會計做賬
Below 300k Accounting |每月進賬低於30萬 會計做賬
Below 600k Accounting |每月進賬低於60萬 會計做賬
BUD Fund Application | BUD 基金申請
Capital Appreciation and Offshore Gains | 資本增值及離岸收益
Capital reduction services for China Company | 內地企業減資服務
Save $408.00
Change of Company Directors | 公司註冊董事變更
Change of Company Directors | 公司註冊董事變更
Sale price$880.00 Regular price$1,288.00
China Appointed Attesting Officer Notarization Service |中國委託人公證人公證服務
China Subsidiary | 中國商業資助
China's Cross-border E-commerce Fund In And Out Service |中國跨境電商資金進出服務
Cross-border heritage notarization | 跨境遺產公證