Apply for Overseas Direct Investment Service 申請境外投資備案服務

Professional Chinese and English consultants 專業中英文顧問
Professional Chinese and English consultants with many years of service experience will answer all your questions and make your communication more satisfying. 專業的中英文顧問,多年服務經驗,解答您的所有疑問,令你溝通更稱心。

Efficient handling 高效辦理
Familiar with foreign businessmen and residence handling policies in various regions, familiar with foreign businessmen and residence handling policies in various regions, and have a high pass rate for work visas 熟悉各地區外商及居留辦理政策,工作簽證通過率高

價格優惠 Low cost
No intermediate agents, first-hand price. Process charges, clearly marked price. 沒有中間代理商,一手價格。沒有標準收費,明碼標價。
Service Process | 服務流程
You just focus on expanding your business and let us take care of the rest. | 您只需專注擴充發展您的業務 餘下問題交給我們解決。

Consultation & Communication | 咨詢溝通
Communicate online or by phone to understand the service content and cost in advance | 線上或者電話溝通,前期瞭解服務內容和費用

Pricing & Contract | 定價簽合同
Agree on a price and sign the contract | 商定好價格約定時間簽訂合同

Data Preparation | 資料准備
Prepare data according to the data list, send data or pick up data at door | 按照資料清單準備資料,郵寄資料或上門取資料

In-Home Report | 上門報告
Audit specialists come and make reports | 審計專員上門服務作報告

100% Satisfaction | 100%滿意
SME Bro was founded in 2014 to support local companies in getting accurate financial services. Nowadays, we have served more than 2000+ clients and we take 100% satisfaction of every client to heart. | SME Bro 成立於 2014 年,旨在支持本地公司獲得準確的財務服務。目前,我們已經服務了超過2000+的客戶,我們把每一位客戶的100%滿意放在心上。我們保證您會對我們的服務感到滿意
We go the extra miles | 我們加倍努力
It can be difficult for you to get professional advice, as an owner of a small or medium-sized business, and 90% of them are our clients, which is why you choose us, and provide you with 24/7 professional service. | 作為中小企業的所有者,您很難獲得專業的建議 - 而我們的客戶90%是中小型公司,這就是為什麼您會選擇我們,並為您提供 24/7 的專業建議。

More Services for SME Companies

China Appointed Attesting Officer Notarization Service

Apply China Foreigner's Work Permit

China Company Opening
Life Time free Support
We know you have questions from time to time - and once you are a SME Bro customer, you can enjoy life time free consultancy from our professional teams.
我們知道您有時會遇到問題 - 一旦您成為 SME Bro 客戶,您就可以享受我們專業團隊提供的終身免費諮詢服務。
Trusted and welcomed by entrepreneurs | 深受企業家信賴和歡迎
SMEBrother helps you handle the company's business work, one-stop company establishment, accounting and tax declaration, audit, etc. | 創業兄弟幫您處理公司業務工作 一站式成立公司、會計報稅、公司秘書服務等。
If you would like more answers to your questions, please send them and we will get back to you as soon as possible. | 如果你想解答更多疑惑,請發送你的問題,我們將盡快回復。
Send your questionWant to start with us? | 想和我們開始?
Leave us a message and my professional team will be in touch! 留下您的信息,我們的專業團隊將會聯繫您!