Subsidize local SMEs to adopt technological services and solutions to improve productivity and upgrade and transform | 資助本港中小企採用科技服務及方案以提升生產力,升級轉型



  • 建議項目與申請者的業務是否相關
  • 預算是否合理
  • 推行細節是否合理
  • 有關顧問及/或服務提供者有否不良記錄

TVP Application Procedures 科技券申請程序
Takes about 6 months to apply for TVP

Professional Apply TVP | 專業申請科技券

Professional Team | 專業團隊

Our professional team can help you apply for TVP funds easily—no matter how hard your business program is, we will help you follow up in all aspects! | 我們專業團隊可以幫助您輕鬆申請TVP基金——無論您的項目是什麼,只要符合要求,我們都助全方面協助跟進!

Unsuccessful No Fee | 不成功不收費

With the increasing demand from customers to apply for TVP as an agency, we guarantee that the application for funding will be completely in your hands; we will assist you to apply to increase the success rate. | 隨著客戶要求代辦申請TVP的個案不斷上升,我們保證不成功不會收費,申請的資助完整到您手裡;協助您申請,提高成功率。

Quick & Simple快速簡單

We make sure you have the easiest auditing partner to work with - simply give us your raw data and accounting information, and we will do the rest for you. 我們確保您擁有最容易合作的審計合作夥伴 - 只需向我們提供您的原始數據和資料,剩下的交給我們

100% Satisfaction | 100%滿意

SME Bro was founded in 2014 to support local companies in getting accurate financial services. Nowadays, we have served more than 2000+ clients and we take 100% satisfaction of every client to heart. 
 SME Bro 成立於 2014 年,旨在支持本地公司獲得準確的財務服務。目前,我們已經服務了超過2000+的客戶,我們把每一位客戶的100%滿意放在心上。我們保證您會對我們的服務感到滿意。

We go the extra miles |我們加倍努力

It can be difficult for you to get professional advice, as an owner of a small or medium-sized business, and 90% of them are our clients, which is why you choose us, and provide you with 24/7 professional service.
 作為中小企業的所有者,您很難獲得專業的建議 - 而我們的客戶90%是中小型公司,這就是為什麼您會選擇我們,並為您提供 24/7 的專業建議。


Trusted and welcomed by entrepreneurs | 深受企業家信賴和歡迎

SMEBrother helps you handle the company's business work, one-stop company establishment, accounting and tax declaration, audit, etc. | 創業兄弟幫您處理公司業務工作 一站式成立公司、會計報稅、公司秘書服務等。

If you would like more answers to your questions, please send them and we will get back to you as soon as possible. | 如果你想解答更多疑惑,請發送你的問題,我們將盡快回復。

Send your question

Life Time free Consulting Support

We know you have questions from time to time - and once you are a SME Bro customer, you can enjoy life time free consultancy from our professional teams.
我們知道您有時會遇到問題 - 一旦您成為 SME Bro 客戶,您就可以享受我們專業團隊提供的終身免費諮詢服務。

More Services for SME Companies 更多服務在創業兄弟

Company Opening




Open China Bank Account


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