Accounting Tax Return|會計報稅
Processing accounts, financial statements and tax returns, Professional, easier tax filing, lower fees, faster and easier cooperation | 處理賬目,財務報表和稅務申報表
更低的收費 更快 更簡易的合作
Hurry Up! Limited Time Offer | 快手啲,限時優惠仲有
One-day report
Price discount
24/7 Online

Have you filed your taxes yet? | 你報咗稅未?
基本上有受薪工作的人都要報稅,以 2022 / 23 年度入息計算,個人的基本免税額為 HK$132,000,因此年收入超過基本免税額的受僱人士及自僱人士都需報稅交稅。納稅人不論任何情況下,若收到報税表後未在指定期限交回税務局,可能會被罰款或被檢控。
而公司報稅必須在限期內提交由香港執業會計師(CPA) 審核的審計報告及報稅表遞交香港稅務局。新公司必須在收到稅表後3個月內申報。如果報稅表上顯示該公司有盈利,稅務局便會向有關公司發出繳稅通知書,繳交有關利得稅項。公司如逾期遞交報稅表都可能觸犯稅務條例,有關公司有機會遭受檢控及被稅局罰款。

Service Process | 服務流程
You just focus on expanding your business and let us take care of the rest.
您只需專注擴充發展您的業務 餘下問題交給我們解決。

Consultation & Communication | 咨詢溝通
Communicate online or by phone to understand the service content and cost in advance | 線上或者電話溝通,前期瞭解服務內容和費用

Pricing & Contract | 定價簽合同
Agree on a price and sign the contract | 商定好價格約定時間簽訂合同

Data Preparation | 資料准備
Prepare data according to the data list, send data or pick up data at door | 按照資料清單準備資料,郵寄資料或上門取資料

In-Home Report | 上門報告
Audit specialists come and make reports | 審計專員上門服務作報告
Service Plans | 服務套餐
SMEBrother will create your own comprehensive plan and provide one-stop professional services to make you worry-free! | 創業兄弟為您打造專屬您的全面方案,提供一站式專業服務,令您無後顧之憂!

100% Satisfaction | 100%滿意
SME Bro was founded in 2014 to support local companies in getting accurate financial services. Nowadays, we have served more than 2000+ clients and we take 100% satisfaction of every client to heart. | SME Bro 成立於 2014 年,旨在支持本地公司獲得準確的財務服務。目前,我們已經服務了超過2000+的客戶,我們把每一位客戶的100%滿意放在心上。我們保證您會對我們的服務感到滿意
We go the extra miles | 我們加倍努力
It can be difficult for you to get professional advice, as an owner of a small or medium-sized business, and 90% of them are our clients, which is why you choose us, and provide you with 24/7 professional service. | 作為中小企業的所有者,您很難獲得專業的建議 - 而我們的客戶90%是中小型公司,這就是為什麼您會選擇我們,並為您提供 24/7 的專業建議。

Higher Yield - Still Best Price
更高的收益 - 仍是最優惠的價格
Trusted and welcomed by entrepreneurs
SMEBrother helps you handle the company's business work, one-stop company establishment, accounting and tax declaration, audit, etc. | 創業兄弟幫您處理公司業務工作 一站式成立公司、會計報稅、公司秘書服務等。
If you would like more answers to your questions, please send them and we will get back to you as soon as possible. | 如果你想解答更多疑惑,請發送你的問題,我們將盡快回復。
Send your questionYou may also like | 您可能還想了解
Want to start with us? | 想和我們開始?
Leave your information and our professional team will contact you! 留下您的信息,我們的專業團隊將會聯繫您!