5 Keyword Research Tools You Need to Know

5 Keyword Research Tools You Need to Know

5 Keyword Research Tools You Need to Know

Keyword research is a core Search engine Optimization that helps you find popular words and phrases that people search on the internet. If you’re learning how to create content that is Google friendly, make sure to start by doing keyword research. It means you need a keyword research tools.

The best keyword tools help you find the most searched keywords and look for opportunities that have not been explored by competitors.

Here are some keyword research tools that you need to know. 

Google AdWords: Keyword Planner

This tool has been a favorite keyword research tool for many years. The best benefit from Google Keyword Planner is you can pull information directly from Google which is the most popular search engine in the world.

Google Keyword Planner is a good choice to start a new site because it is 100% free to use. You can find average monthly searches, competition and suggested bid. 


Ubersuggest has an attractive user interface and is probably the best of the other keyword research tools. Created by Neil Patel, who is one of the most famous people in SEO. 

It’s free so it can be a great option if you don’t have a big budget yet.

Ubersuggest helps you learn about your competitors and get many keyword ideas. Find your target niche and start creating content.  


SEMRush helps you understand how competitor’s work and how they are winning keywords. You can save a lot of time to find the best keywords because you just copy what is working for your competitors. 

The reason why you should use this tool is they can manage your SEO strategy, pull historical data and compare it to current data. 

Ahrefs Keywords Explorer

Ahrefs is one of the most popular SEO tools for many years. Ahrefs was actually made to check website backlinks but, they also have a great keyword research tool. 

This tool allows you to filter a list of suggestion keywords by search volume or keyword difficulty. Furthermore, they give you three types of keyword ideas; suggestions, autocomplete, and questions.


Wordstream Keyword Planner gives you hundreds of relevant keyword results for free. It also provides good reporting and is useful for SEO or Paid Per Click.