How to Improve On Page SEO?

How to Improve On Page SEO?

On page SEO refers to any optimization to improve the content and HTML code of a page to improve search engine rankings.

What is On Page SEO?

On page SEO refers to any optimization to improve the content and HTML code of a page to improve search engine rankings. On page SEO focuses on providing the best content for users and optimizing all factors that needed to increase search engine rankings.

Contents Relevances to User Intent

Content is king but it’s not enough. There is so much content on the internet, right? So, how is your content considered the best by Google?

Google algorithms are working to understand what users are looking for. So, make sure you consider search intent while you create content.

What is search intent? According to Yoast, Search intent is the term used to describe the purpose of an online search. There are few distinct types of search intent like informational intent, navigational intent, transactional intent, and commercial investigation.

If you create content that targets transactional intent like “price”, do not bore with a long article. Lead them to price information that users want to know.

Create Deep Content

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Hubspot’s study showed that content with over 2,250 words tended to receive the most organic traffic. Creating deeper content can help users find what they’re looking for and get higher site rankings.

On Page SEO Factors

Search Engines are going more complex, so there’s no fixed formula on SEO. But, you can use the guidelines that are commonly used.


As you know, keywords are so important on SEO that can affect its search visibility. Put the keyword on Title Tag, H1, URL, meta description and your pages copy.

Internal Link

Use internal links to link relevant content.

Outbound Link

Outbound link to related domains, help the search engine to understand your site niche. It also increases the trust of site.

Images Optimization

Optimize your alt images, caption, and description with keywords. Choose the right type and optimize your images’s thumbnail.

Contents Update

Google loves fresh content, so you can make updates to your old content.