Accounting Service


作為全球知名的國際金融中心、貿易中心和航運中心,香港憑藉其特殊的地理位置和極為寬鬆的政策環境,成為了內地客商最青睞的離岸公司註冊地之一。 依據香港公司法例,香港公司成立後,每年的維護工作是必不可少的,其中最關鍵的兩個就是:年審和審計,這是每個香港公司重點關注的。 但常常有很多客戶將香港公司年審和香港公司審計這兩個業務混為一談。 經常將年審視為審計是錯誤的。經過年審後,公司不再需要審計,情況並非如此。 01香港公司年審 當一個香港公司運作屆滿一年,就必須要向政府申請該公司繼續存在,主要包括以下兩方面內容: 向稅局申請下一年度的新商業登記證,同時繳納政府規費; 周年申報表,這裏指的並非財務報表,而是記錄公司最新組閣情況的報表,包括最新的公司名稱、公司股份數量、股份分配比例、股東以及董事成員,同時申報公司上年度發生變更的詳情。 以上統稱為年審或年檢。簡單來說,年審就是企業自己向政府申請企業還要繼續經營以獲得新證件,同時告知政府公司最新的股份股東以及變更等資訊。 年審的時間:從公司成立的時間計算,每年一次。香港公司年審到期後,沒有及時進行更新的話,是會產生罰款的,並且罰款是累計增加的,若一直不理會罰款,法院將會下發傳票。 值得注意的是,香港政府要求將香港公司的賬目和資料妥善保存至少7年以上。 02香港公司審計 香港公司審計是對公司上年度財務狀況的審查,是由獨立會計師對公司財務的安全合理性、合法性進行評估。 審計是經濟監督的重要組成部分,主要對財政、財務收支及其他經濟活動的真實、合法和效益進行審查,具有外在性和獨立性。 根據不同的目的,又分為多種用途的審計,通常我們接觸的比較多的是稅務審計,而其他用途的審計,則稱為“特殊目的的審計”。 香港公司審計報稅是按照香港公司業務劃分,這一程式應劃分為3個方面,即理賬、審計、報稅。 (1)理賬:香港公司經過1年的經營,必定會產生銀行流水、業務單據、商品進出明細、運輸憑證等等商業檔及賬務資料,而理賬就是將商業檔及賬務資料一一對應,使之能準確反映該商業實體過去1年中的經營情況。 (2)審計:待賬務檔與商業檔對應後,香港執業會計師將會對每一筆交易活動進行核對,確認其中沒有錯誤關聯或虛假交易,並對這些情況發表意見(包括無保留意見、部分保留意見、不發表意見),就稱為審計。 (3)報稅:香港執業會計師確認交易情況,計算出該商業實體的盈利情況,便會將盈利情況及應繳稅數額如實上報香港稅務局。 審計的時間:第一次審計是公司成立時間的第18個月,之後是每12個月一次。 03香港公司審計和年審的區別 1、時間上來看 時間上,香港年審是在公司成立第12個月進行,審計是在公司成立第18個月進行。兩個時間段不同,做著兩種不同的工作。 2、性質上來看 兩者都是香港公司成立後期需要做的維護,香港公司年審到期後,沒有及時更新的話,是會產生罰款的,一直不理會罰款,會有法院傳票下發,這對公司董事是影響的。若公司沒有處理稅表或沒做審計,也同樣是會有罰款,另外還會要求補審。 3、內容上來看 香港公司年審是針對公司經營許可的審核,即為更新商業登記證和周年申報表、續期註冊證書、法定秘書及註冊地址,是每個香港公司每年在成立日期必須做的。 香港公司審計是對公司財務賬目的核實與核准,由於香港公司報稅時必須連同審計報告一同遞交,因此一般統稱為“審計報稅”。 04香港公司年審流程 1、確認周年申報並簽字: 香港公司註冊一年後,香港公司必須根據公司的股東,董事,法務秘書,註冊地址和其他資訊製作一份周年申報檔; 2、更換新的商業登記證: 自公司成立周年紀念日起每年應向稅務局領取新的商業登記證。過期的商業登記證無需退還,該年的商業登記費應向稅務局繳納; 3、提交年審檔: 要提交的年審材料包括:已簽署的年度審查委託檔,年度聲明,由董事或股東簽署的周年申報確認書,註冊香港公司的重大事項登記冊以及所有董事和股東的有效身份證副本。 05香港公司審計報稅流程 做賬報稅方案 零申報: (1)要求:沒有在香港購買任何物業;沒有開香港銀行帳戶或者帳戶沒有資金進出;沒有經營任何業務。 (2)做賬報稅:無需做賬,只需填寫利得稅表,但必須保存公司的所有票據及合約。 做賬報稅所需資料 銀行月結單及水單; 銷售票據,發票、合同; 成本票據,發票、合同; 費用票據,工資、租金(須提供租賃合同或協議)、運費等; 其他相關檔,章程正本一份、周年申報表、所有公司變更資料(若有)、固定資產票據。 審計報稅流程 準備審計所需資料,出具審計初稿; 客戶查看審計初稿沒問題後簽字寄回; 出具審計終稿後提交香港稅務局; 拿到利得稅表格後香港會計師填報後提交香港稅務局; 將已提交的審計終稿和報稅表給客戶。 SMEBro提供專業審計報稅服務。想要了解更多服務詳情,立即WhatsApp(+852-67059572)SMEBro客戶經理,我們將很樂意為您提供幫助。


公司不做審計會有多大的隱患?別等到被告上法庭才後悔沒做審計。 香港公司審計對香港公司來說是一項重大的業務,其重要性和香港公司年審相當,香港公司不年審公司會被註銷,以及銀行帳戶會被關停;如果香港公司不做審計,稅局調查,而且無法提供資金來源證明,則會面臨巨額罰款,嚴重的會被告上法庭,到那時候香港公司就無法繼續經營了。若存著僥倖心理不做審計,費用是省下一些了,但是後果卻是整個公司都沒了,得不償失。   香港公司審計的流程    1.整理公司交易記錄、單據(收據與合同)及銀行對帳單 每一間香港公司在經營的過程中,均會產生一系列的單據,根據這些單據,我們需要將其整理成為可供審計師審查使用的資料。與此同時在公司經營的初期,妥善保管好銀行對帳單尤為重要。審計師將對針對公司所發生的交易與支出,對這些單據逐一的審核盤查,發現問題會與客戶一一核對,因此單據與銀行對帳單都十分重要。 2.出具會計報表香港公司審計需要有著規範的會計報表,並是建立在此基礎上的。由於內地與香港會計制度的不一致性,香港公司審計所要求的通常是香港會計制度下的會計報表。香港公司審計所需要的會計報表通常包括:總賬、明細賬、憑證(看情況而定)、資產負債表、損益表、現金流量表、試算平衡表等。 3.委託審計師進行審計香港會計師公會規定,香港審計師需要特別考取執照,並獲得執業資格證書。目前香港地區的服務行業十分發達,持牌核數師數量達到數千名,服務的品質與速度參差不齊,因此不要選擇經驗不豐富的核數師為您的香港公司做審計。   香港公司不做審計的後果    香港公司若不做審計會產生一些列不良後果: 1.無法正常經營。香港註冊處查冊網站上將會體現出年費未繳納的資訊; 2.銀行帳戶被凍結。一旦銀行發現您的香港公司未年審或者不願意年審,那麼您的銀行帳戶可能會出現被凍結的風險; 3.客戶信譽掃地,多年累積的客戶信任度,可能會因為您的企業未年審,而被客人知道後導致信譽掃地; 4.罰款與處罰。香港公司不年審的罰款金額將會是按照時間累積的,年審逾期後的罰款也會隨著時間延長而累積更多,最後的處罰將會是被告上法庭和限制出入香港; 5.罰稅將按照銀行流水總額全額的3倍進行罰稅 另外罰款10萬港幣起步,及判處不低於3年監禁。 香港公司審計是香港公司合法經營的必備要素,雖然香港公司若無經營可以進行零申報,但是從長遠角度考慮,零申報對香港公司的發展非常不利,稅局會認為你的香港公司毫無貢獻,客戶則認為你的香港公司不可靠。因此為了防止流失客戶,防止稅局抽查賬目,按實際做審計是非常必要的,能夠避免產生不必要的麻煩。  SMEBro提供專業審計報稅服務。想要了解更多服務詳情,立即WhatsApp(+852-67059572)SMEBro客戶經理,我們將很樂意為您提供幫助。
Accounting Service


一直以來,香港作為國際金融中心,香港是一個資訊極為發達的國際大都市,是世界上享有最自由的貿易通商港口,再加上本身良好的基礎設施,。其低稅率及簡單稅制對內地投資者非常有吸引力。在做賬報稅方面,大陸公司做賬採用的是複式記賬法的原理,香港公司也大致採用這種原理。 那麼與內地的稅務制度相比,香港公司在稅務上能獲得哪些便利與優惠呢? 一、報稅週期不同 1、主要稅種 大陸——增值稅&附加稅、企業所得稅 香港——無增值稅及附加稅、只有利得稅 2、稅務申報 大陸——增值稅(月/季報)、企業所得稅(季報)、個人所得稅(月報) 香港——利得稅(首年18個月申報)之後按年度申報 3、年報 大陸——工商:每年6月底前完成上年度企業信用公示。稅務:每年5月底前完成企業所得稅匯算清繳 。商委:每年6月底前完成外資商委聯合年報 。 香港——註冊處:以成立周年日為年報節點進行周年申報。稅務局:利得稅申報(首年18個月)之後按年結日時間安排。 二、做賬報稅流程不同 1、香港公司做賬報稅辦理的大致流程 ①香港公司提供財務單據,做賬代理公司進行評估報價後,香港公司付款; ②代理做賬公司根據香港公司財務單據進行做帳;做賬完畢後,由香港執牌會計師進行審計; ③香港公司審計完畢後,由股東簽署審計報告,會計師持簽署的審計報告給到政府報稅; ④ 審計會計師將相關檔返還給到香港公司(客戶)保留。 2、大陸公司做賬流程大致流程: ①審核各種原始憑證,審核無誤後,編制記賬憑證; ②根據記賬憑證登記各種明細分類賬; ③月末作計提、攤銷、結轉記賬憑證; ④結賬、對帳; ⑤編制準確完整的會計報表; ⑥將記賬憑證裝訂成冊。 香港公司審計,也叫香港公司核數。即香港持牌會計師對香港公司進行公司財務帳目的核實與核准。根據流程對比,大陸工作做賬審計相比香港公司的做賬審計流程,確實更加繁瑣複雜。   SMEBro提供專業審計報稅服務。想要了解更多服務詳情,立即WhatsApp(+852-67059572)SMEBro客戶經理,我們將很樂意為您提供幫助。


在創業之初,新晉公司東主往往面臨著諸多挑戰,其中之一便是理解並妥善應對法定審計需求。根據香港公司法規定,所有在當地註冊的公司必須每年由香港執業會計師(CPA)對其財務報表進行審計。 此舉措旨在確保財務記錄真實、公正地反映公司交易情況,同時符合香港公司條例的披露要求以及稅務條例所規定的納稅義務。財務報表涵蓋資產負債表、損益表、權益變動表和現金流量表。 然而,對於初次涉足商界的東主來說,審計要求可能陌生且令人困擾。為了助您順利開展審計工作,我們特為您準備了一份審計及核數入門指南,專為香港公司量身定制。    法定審計與流程  公司東主是不可自行進行法定審計的,這項工作必須由具備獨立性、嚴格遵循審計標準的第三方——即香港註冊會計師來完成。審計過程通常如下: 公司準備階段:整理財務報表及其支持性檔,如各類發票、合同、銀行對帳單、支出收據等,供註冊會計師審閱。 審計師介入:會計師首先深入瞭解公司的運營活動和可能影響審計的具體因素。 審查與評估:對財務報表及支持檔的準確性進行仔細核查,識別並評估任何可能導致財務報表出現重大偏差的問題。 出具報告:最終,會計師將出具審計報告和審計意見,客觀評價公司年度財務報表的精確度和恰當性。整個審計流程涉及公司內外多方協作,耗時且複雜。   如何挑選合適的審計服務  面對審計工作的嚴謹性和潛在風險,選擇一位合適的核數師顯得尤為重要。正確的選擇不僅能夠節省您的 時間,還能有效避免因會計錯誤帶來的高昂成本。 以下是一些關於聘請核數師時的注意事項: 尋求業務理解深入的核數師 理想的核數師應能與您坦誠溝通,深度理解您的業務模式、運營特點及行業環境。這樣的專業人士不僅能確保審計過程順暢,更能通過清晰的預期管理讓您全程心中有數。 選擇具有豐富行業經驗的核數師 經驗豐富的核數師,特別是對您所在行業有深厚知識儲備的,將顯著提升審計效率,降低出錯概率。更重要的是,他們能憑藉專業知識提供更具針對性的服務,為您提煉出關乎業務發展的精准報告與有價值資訊。 確保核數師熟悉您的會計軟體 隨著會計軟體在企業中的廣泛應用,核數師熟練操作您所使用的會計系統至關重要。這將有助於他們高效獲取審計所需數據與資訊,無縫對接您的會計工作流程。   作為新公司東主,在面對法定審計要求時,不僅要瞭解其法規背景和基本流程,更要懂得如何挑選契合自身需求的審計服務。 找到適合您業務的核數師並不容易,但我們可以協助您聯繫獨立核數師,提供適合您業務需求的全面審計服務。


在香港,定期審計是每家公司的法定責任,旨在確保其財務報表的準確性和合規性。審計報告不僅是公司治理的重要組成部分,更是股東、投資者及其他利益相關方評估企業狀況的關鍵依據。   審計報告截至時間的確定 香港公司的審計報告截至時間緊密關聯其財務年度的結止日期。根據《香港公司條例》,企業在每個財務年度結束後需在九個月內完成審計,並於審計完成後的一個月內向香港公司註冊處遞交審計報告。例如,若某公司的財務年度截止日為12月31日,其應在次年9月底前完成審計,並在10月底前提交審計報告。   註冊會計師的審核與簽署 審計報告的編制與簽署必須由具備資質的註冊會計師(Certified Public Accountant, CPA)進行。這些專業人士須經香港會計師公會註冊並取得執業資格,具備深厚的財務與審計專業知識。他們在審計過程中會對公司的財務狀況、經營業績及財務報表的準確性進行全面審查與評估,並在報告中提出專業意見和建議。   國際財務報告準則(IFRS) 作為國際金融中心,香港公司需遵循國際財務報告準則(International Financial Reporting Standards, IFRS),以提升財務報告的透明度和全球可比性。在編制審計報告時,註冊會計師將依據IFRS要求審查公司財務報表,包括核實資產、負債、收入、支出及利潤等各項數據。同時,他們還將評估公司的內部控制體系,確保財務報表真實、準確地反映企業財務狀況與經營業績。如在審計過程中發現重大錯誤或違規行為,註冊會計師會在報告中予以披露,並提出相應改進建議。   審計報告的法律地位與責任 審計報告不僅是專業評估結果的呈現,更是一份具有法律約束力的檔。根據香港公司法,公司董事負有確保審計報告準確、合規的責任,必須在報告中如實披露任何重大錯誤或違規行為。若審計報告存在虛假陳述或重大錯誤,相關董事將面臨法律責任及罰款處罰。   瞭解並遵守香港公司審計報告的截至時間至關重要。公司應在財務年度結束後的九個月內完成審計,並在一個月內提交報告。會計師將對財務報表進行全面審查,提供專業見解,確保審計報告遵循IFRS要求,並具有法律效力。 通過嚴格遵守審計報告相關規定,企業能夠提升財務報表的透明度和可信度,從而增強投資者和利益相關方的信心。


據《香港公司條例》明文規定,由獨立審計師對各家企業財務報表進行業審計工作,確保相關數據的真實性與法規相符性。然而,現實運作中,部分香港企業可能會呈現出無運營審計報告的情況。 這不僅挑戰了公眾對香港公司財務透明度的認知,也引發了對企業運營真實狀態的諸多疑問   一、無運營審計報告:現象背後的原因 根據《香港公司條例》規定,獨立審計師對公司的財務報表進行審計是確保其真實可靠、符合法規的關鍵步驟。然而,在特定情境下,香港公司可能出現無運營審計報告的情況: 1、初創階段未實質性運營:新成立的公司尚處於業務規劃與市場探索期,未開展實質性的經營活動,故無需提交運營審計報告。  2、投資控股性質:部分公司純粹作為投資平臺存在,不直接參與實體業務運營,因而無需就自身運營情況進行審計。 3、業務停滯或終止:公司因種種原因已停止業務運營,或已完成業務轉型,原有的運營審計需求隨之消失。 4、業務模式變更:公司業務模式發生根本性轉變,原有審計框架不再適用,新的審計要求可能還未形成或未到提交期限。   二、無運營審計報告:雙重影響面面觀 無運營審計報告對香港公司乃至整個市場環境產生了深遠影響,既帶來一定的成本節約與運營靈活性,也提出了更高的自我管理與透明度要求: 1、降低成本,釋放資本活力:相較於需進行運營審計的國家和地區,香港公司免於此項成本,尤其對初創企業和中小型企業而言,節省的資金可用於業務創新與拓展。 2、提升決策效率,應對市場變化:取消運營審計要求賦予公司更高的決策靈活性,使其能迅速適應市場動態,增強競爭力。 3、強化內部管控,防範風險:雖無需外部審計,但公司仍須嚴格進行內部審計與財務管理,借此契機完善內控機制,提升風險管理能力。  4、確保透明度,維護信譽:儘管無運營審計報告,但公司仍須遵循其他財務披露規則,確保財務資訊的公開透明,以贏得投資者與合作夥伴的信任。   三、理性應對:無運營審計報告的合規之道 面對無運營審計報告的現象,香港公司應秉持誠實守信、公開透明的原則,採取有效措施確保合規運營: 充分披露:在年度報告中詳盡闡述無運營審計報告的原因,包括公司當前的運營狀態、業務計畫、財務狀況及潛在風險,做到資訊透明,消除外界疑慮。  強化內部審計:構建健全的內部審計體系,定期進行嚴格的財務自查與風險評估,確保財務數據的真實準確,有效防控各類經營風險。 合規披露:嚴格按照相關法律法規及交易所要求,進行其他必要的財務報告與重要事項披露,展現良好的公司治理水準,提升市場信心。 主動溝通:積極與投資者、監管機構及社會各界保持溝通,解釋無運營審計報告的具體背景與公司應對策略,增進各方理解與支持。
set up a company in Hong Kong
business registration

A Guide to Set Up a Company in Hong Kong

Hong Kong is one of the places known as business-friendly cities in the world, because it attracts many global entrepreneurs and companies. Apart from having a favorable business environment, Hong Kong also has low taxation, making it a top choice for many people who want to apply for company registration. Learn about how to set up a company in Hong Kong with us, because you will think it might be hard when you don't understand how to start. This article will explain several important steps, requirements and tips for those of you who want to know local laws and regulations for company registration in Hong Kong. What are the benefits when set up a company in Hong Kong? Hong Kong is a city with a high standard of living, with superb infrastructure and has a vibrant culture. For these reasons alone, Hong Kong can become the right place for international trade and investment. Some of the things below are reasons why you should learn to set up a company in Hong Kong. Cheap to set up and straightforward Company registration in Hong Kong is cost-efficient and relatively fast. All you need to have is a business registration certificate from the Companies Registry which you can get within a few days. Don't worry about future costs, because government fees for incorporation are transparent and reasonable. Hong Kong does not require minimum registered capital or a local director, there are no restrictions on foreign investment, and has a business-friendly environment. Business-friendly taxes Hong Kong has one of the lowest tax systems in the world with a two-tiered profit tax rate for corporations with 8.25% tax on earnings up to 2 million Hong Kong Dollars, and 16.5% on earnings over 2 million Hong Kong Dollars, and with an exemption for the first 6,000 Hong Kong Dollar profit. The country has a territorial tax regime, which means there is no additional corporate tax for companies conducting business outside Hong Kong. Vibrant business environment Hong Kong has become a dynamic hub for SMEs because it offers adaptability and an innovative environment. There are already more than 360,000 SMEs in Hong Kong, and Hong Kong has become the world's top ten countries with a competitive economy. Many entrepreneurs want to expand their business in Hong Kong, because the Hong Kong Government supports innovation and technology development, by allocating 500 million Hong Kong Dollars to launch a Digital Transformation Support Pilot Program as digital solutions for SMEs. Things to know before registering a company in Hong Kong Before setting up a company in Hong Kong, you must know several things first. Because many people want to open a company in Hong Kong, you have to understand how institutions and local organizations work in Hong Kong. When you want to set up a company in Hong Kong, you have to deal with three main interlocutors, such as The Companies Registry, The Inland Revenue Department, and the company secretary. Limited Company and Unlimited Company in Hong Kong The company secretary must be the primary contact person during company establishment and maintenance. On the other hand, the IRD and Hong Kong Companies Registry will collaborate to ensure that your business complies with the laws of Hong Kong, upholds accurate statutory records, and is monitored for timely filing of the annual return. How to set up a company in Hong Kong? There are nine steps to setting up a company in Hong Kong, once you are familiar with local organizations and institutions. Choose a company name Choose the legal entity for your company Select a company secretary Appoint legal representatives Set the amount of the share capital Prepare the incorporation documents Obtain a business registration and incorporation certificate Set up a company bank account Keep up the taxies and financial reporting We will explain several important steps to make it easier for you when setting up a company. Choose the right legal entity This is crucial, because it can affect factors such as filing your taxes and how your business is done in general. The list of main possible legal entities for your business are: Private limited company, company limited by guarantee, sole proprietorship, partnerships, and branch office. Familiarize yourself with what features each legal structure has, and adapt it to the nature of your business. Select a company secretary Having a local company secretary will make it easier for you to establish your company. This is your main contact person when Hong Kong authorities want important information about your business. This role is crucial for your company, because they must be able to comply with the authorities without fail. Don't forget to include the company address, so that it is easy for government departments to reach you and send you correspondence. Prepare the incorporation documents The documents are subject to approval before you can start your business. You need to prepare the NNC1 Incorporation Form provided by the Companies Registry of Hong Kong, A copy of HK ID card or passport of a director and shareholder, and Article of Association of the Company. Submit all of them to the Companies Registry, by using e-Registry's online portal platform, mailing your documents, or going to the Company Registry and submitting the documents in person. After submitting these documents, you need to pay the applicable government fee, which can be paid on a yearly basis.   If you feel overwhelmed with establishing a company in Hong Kong, and need an agency to take care of everything, SMEBrother is your solution. SMEBrother has been providing business services for SME companies since 2012, and will help with all your business needs like a brother. We know that SME business is difficult, but with our knowledge, years of network, and reasonable pricing, we can support our clients and become your business brothers. All business services starting from auditing services, opening a Hong Kong company, accounting, auditing, opening a Hong Kong bank account, tax issues, and anything you need to run your business smoothly from the start until your business grows.
Hong Kong work visa
Business Visa

How to get a Hong Kong Work Visa for Foreigners

Everyone knows that you need to earn a lot to live well in Hong Kong. If you are still far from opening your own business in Hong Kong, there is another thing you can do as a foreigner, namely looking for a job in Hong Kong. But of course, you know that looking for work in Hong Kong as a foreigner will not be the same as being a citizen. This article will discuss how to get a Hong Kong work visa so that you have the opportunity to live well and contribute to Hong Kong. How to Get a Job in Hong Kong as a Foreigner As a foreigner, it will be easier for you to get a job in Hong Kong if you can speak Mandarin or Cantonese. But if you don't really understand the language and are still in the learning stage, you can look for a job with a universal language like English, although the competition will also be more difficult. But if you are fluent in both languages, it will be easier for you to get a job at local companies. The thing you have to prepare is to get a Hong Kong work visa. Every local citizen will struggle to get a job in their country, so foreigners also cannot find work that easily. Apart from having to compete with local residents, they must have different permits from local citizens when applying for jobs. Everyone has the right to live well in Hong Kong, but still with fair opportunities and applicable regulations Job opportunities for foreigners in Hong Kong Hong Kong government has a program called talent list which encourages foreigners to move to Hong Kong under the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme. It will be easier for you to get work in Hong Kong as a foreigner, and sometimes those professions do not require a visa. But the applicants must meet certain experience and education requirements in order to qualify. Every year the admission scheme allows for 1000 expats to enter Hong Kong. Some qualifying professions are: Actuaries, investment managers, fund managers, film industry professionals, game developers and producers, data scientists, cyber security specialists, fintech professionals, IT experts, marine engineers, etc. Applying job in Hong Kong Write a resume in English, Mandarin, or Cantonese, depending on which language is best for you. Of course, you have to adapt to open job applications, and adjust them to existing needs. Follow a Hong Kong-style CV, by looking for references on the internet or your contacts in Hong Kong, entering your personal information, and making sure you fill in your name, address, email address, and telephone number at the top of your resume. List your education details with your latest achievements, you can put your marital and visa status to ensure the company understands where you come from. Arrange your CV concisely and fit everything on one or two pages only. You don't need to bring proof of qualifications or references to your application, but just in case you need to bring it to the interview. During the interview, bring a copy of your CV, Hong Kong ID card if you have it, your academic qualification documents, reference letter, letter of resignation if necessary. You can ask about the minimum wage and average salary, or you can do research first. Adjust your salary to your work time, and make sure this figure can meet your needs for living in Hong Kong. How do I get a Hong Kong work visa? Getting a work permit or employment visa in Hong Kong is not too difficult, and is free. Apply for Hong Kong work visa under the General Employment Policy (GEP). Submit the work visa application form by presenting the documents in person or mailing it. The visa under the GEP scheme has an active period, so you must already have a confirmed job offer or your workplace has asked you to show a work permit or work visa. Things You Need to Know About Business Visa for HK Foreigners For the visa application, you must write the open position of the potential employer. There are separate rules for visa applications and the Immigration Department will require several requirements such as: A graduate degree or professional experience for the job position, your potential salary and working conditions are comparable to local standards, measure your contribution to the local economy, the company can show that there are no local citizens who can fill the particular position. After you are approved to get a work visa under the GEP scheme, you need to invite your spouse and your children under the age of 18, and prove your marriage is genuine. You must be able to show that you will support your family financially and guarantee them a life in accordance with the standard of living in Hong Kong and suitable accommodation. Your spouse can also get a job without having to take care of an extra work permit or visa. Is there a special agent to help with processing a work visa in Hong Kong? Do you understand what you have to prepare to apply for work in Hong Kong and get a work visa as a foreigner, but are you confused about finding free time and the amount of documents that have to be taken care of? SMEBrother will be a professional agency for you in arranging work permits or work visas in Hong Kong. SMEBrother has become the right place to take care of anything related to business, from small to medium-sized businesses, for anything needed by anyone who wants to survive their business in Hong Kong. We also have other services for personal, such as opening a Hong Kong bank account, applying for work visa, opening a Hong Kong company, tax treatment, and many others. We have been focusing on providing one-stop company registration, publicity and related professional services for SMEs and micro enterprises for almost a decade. We hope that anyone who wants to increase their business and their income in Hong Kong will be able to open up a better future.
How to Get a Trademark in Hong Kong
business registration

How to Get a Trademark in Hong Kong

When you start a new business, of course you already have an idea of the brand you will design and use. It is not only enough for you to have a good brand, eye catching and easy to remember, but it must be secured before your brand and logo are used by other people. You certainly don't want other people to ride on your success because your brand has not been officially registered, and someone else is ahead of you. That's why you should know about creating a trademark in Hong Kong as your intellectual property protection. If you already have trademarks, it prevents anyone from misusing or copying them. Why Register Your Trademark? Hong Kong has a trade marks ordinance to protect registered trademarks. You need to register your trademark, because you can show proof that you are the owner of the mark. For example, if you don't have a trademark yet but your brand and logo are already circulating on the market, you have to take action in accordance with common law to pass it off, and hope that no one misuses it. Misuse of trademark can cause financial losses and customer trust regarding your brand. Taking care of it in advance will ensure that every brand you register will be protected by law. Things to Prepare Before You Register Your Trademark Each trademark application has criteria that must be met. You cannot carry out a registration application if you still cannot achieve some of these criteria. Some important things you should note are: Ensure your trademark is distinctive, there are no words used that have no association with your business. Don't use descriptive words about your goods and services such as Good Bags, Best Wash Service, etc. You can't use well-known terms in your line of business, for example you can't use Mc'Donaldu for your fast food restaurant. Ensure your trademark is not already applied or registered to the similar goods and services. If someone has already applied, your registration application may be rejected. There are also certain words from the Hong Kong Government that may not be used by applicants as part of the trade mark, such as: Power Bank, iPod, Boogie, Caterpillar, Jacuzzi, Karaoke, Bluetooth, MacBook, Blu-ray, Popsicle, CompactFlash. Getting trademark in Hong Kong Now we find out how we got trademark in Hong Kong. Follow the method below, until you can have your own trademark for your business. Trademark registration process Filed the application for registering a trademark to the Trade Marks Registry office. You can take care of it online or visit the office directly. The applications need to be filed with the Intellectual Property Department of the Government of the Hong Kong SAR. Trademarks can only be registered which are being used by a company or a person or are about to be used in the future.   Submit the Trade Mark Form T2, personal details of the applicant, a clear image of the trademark, specification of the trademark, claims for priority consideration. After the registrar receives your application, the examiner will look at the application to see if there is any missing information or any deficiencies. After the deficiency check is complete, it's the stage of search and examination. The examiner will search the trademark records to see whether there are similar or similar trademarks that have been registered or applied for the same or similar goods and services. The examiner will check whether your application complies with the registration requirements under the Trade Marks Ordinance. The examiner can raise an objection when the requirements are not satisfied, and you have 6 months to overcome the objection, and can add another 3 months in the future. You can choose from several options, such as providing evidence that your brand has a distinctive character, filing a consent from the previously registered owner which prohibits you from registering your mark, filing an amendment to remove the services or goods affected by the objection. If you want to insist on registering your trademark even though someone has already registered it first, you can file a hearing request to present all the evidence and wait for the hearing officer's decision. Same goes for the trademark you create, everyone can view your new trademark and file an opposition within 3-month form the date of publication. You can respond to the opposition or withdraw your application. For valid registration without problems, it can be valid for the next 10 years, and must be renewed every ten years. Cost of trademark in Hong Kong If there are objections, oppositions, or deficiencies in your application, you can continue the procedure and it can be completed within 6 months. Depending on how complete your requirements are, the process can take up to 12 months. The application fee and form that must be submitted to the Intellectual Property Department of the Government of the Hong Kong SAR is HK$1,300. Benefits and Challenges Doing Business in Hong Kong If you have an additional trademark class in the application, there is an additional fee of around HK$650. Class in a trademark if you want to refer to the type of goods and services that you want to obtain a trademark. Hiring professionals to set up your business trademark in Hong Kong Registering a trademark can be a challenging process and you can be overwhelmed with the paperwork. You can look for an agency or a professional to take care of all trademark registration issues. If you don't understand where to start to create a business trademark, SMEBrother is here to help. SMEBrother is your best place for registering your business, obtaining a trademark, legalization, or any other needs for your small and medium-sized business. So contact us right now and start preparing your trademark until we come to you to take care of all the paperwork and any requirements until it's finished. We have more than a decade of experience helping new business owners in taking care of their business needs, including providing personal advice and administrative help when applying for copywriting and trademarks.