電商客服外包 助力電子商貿企業發展
Customer Service Outsourcing

電商客服外包 助力電子商貿企業發展

隨著網店的快速發展,每個人都開始喜歡網上購物,因為它方便、快捷、便宜、實惠,產品種類繁多等。平時,當店主經營店鋪時,很容易忽視店鋪客服的重要性,只有當店主太忙,不能一個人工作,他招聘的客服需要時間培訓的時候,他們就想到了客服外包。客服外包公司屬於第三方服務公司,為網店提供專業的客戶服務,能夠解決店主的這些問題:  一、可以解決店鋪招聘的繁瑣 客服外包公司有自己的客服團隊,而且公司不斷的在招聘有經驗的客服,如果店鋪出現客服不足,能夠及時有人接手,避免因為客服不夠用流失顧客;而且客服外包的客服相對來說比較穩定,因為團隊在一起工作,工作氣氛好,公司賞罰分明,有晉升的空間,這樣客服工作的熱情高,進步也會有很大的空間;客服之間相互的學習和溝通,從而減少客服的流失。 二、可以為您節省您自己去招聘和培訓的時間 一個客服在進公司的時候都會由專門的培訓和管理部門進行培訓和管理,在上崗之前也會有針對性的培訓客服,客服熟知店鋪知識,上崗為顧客服務可以減少店主的用人成本;客服都是低底薪加提成的方式結算的,客服靠業績掙提成,也能更好的為店鋪服務,而且外包公司有自己的場地和設備,這樣能夠降低您的資金投入。 三、客服的在線時間長 客服外包公司會提供白班和夜班的客服服務,客服人員交替輪崗,這樣做就是為了有咨詢的顧客能夠第一時間為顧客解答,提高顧客的滿意度,不會讓店鋪錯過任何一筆訂單。 總之,客服外包通過用專業的客服為店鋪服務,提高店鋪的轉化率,花很少的錢為自己的店鋪創造更好的業績。 客服外包的責任都有哪些呢? 1、解決客服人員的培訓、勞動事務均由外包公司處理,解放網店的人力,創造價值免去網店辦理各種瑣碎的員工錄用(退工)、社會保險申報、住房公積金辦理等各項事務,並提供有關社會保障、勞動客服政策等方面的政策法規咨詢。 2、增強歸屬感完善的客服服務體系,解決員工的後顧之憂,提高員工滿意度,穩定客服人員,解除網店長期人員流失,人員缺少、沒人值班的問題;同時,讓員工對企業歸屬感更強,忠誠度更高。 3、提升客服的服務質量,加強各項環節服務品質,多方位提升服務,通過服務的提高,提高店鋪的信譽,擴大產品的市場占有率,提升客戶購物體驗;同時還要為您利用店鋪的資源,開拓新的客戶,並提高客戶的回購率,充分提高店鋪的收益。 以上就是客服外包的責任都有哪些的介紹。總的來說,客服的工作雖然看起來簡單,但責任重大,不僅要銷售能力強,素質也不能弱,而且客服外包的責任正好可以規範他們的服務,進一步為您提供專業且高效的店鋪管理運營知識,提高店鋪的受益。
Customer Service Outsourcing


所謂客服外包公司,其實簡單的說就是第三方服務公司,是專門培養專業客服服務人員的,隨著電子商貿的不斷發展,需要更專業的客服來服務於E-Commerce店鋪,和客服公司合作,可以幫助店鋪大幅降低運營成本,能夠花少量資金就享受到專業的客服服務,進而提高店鋪的銷售業績,滿足顧客對客服服務的要求。   客服公司提供的客服不僅是有實戰經驗的專業客服,在溝通技巧和銷售技巧方面也是經過培訓的,在工作中有較高的服務意識和理解能力,能夠準確的掌握顧客心理,為顧客更好的解答疑問,提高顧客的滿意度,更重要的是專業的客服可以塑造店鋪的形象,給店鋪帶來好的效益。 我們先來了解一下目前網店客服的現狀。 很多網店的產品都有有季節性,在旺季的時候人手不夠用,可是淡季的時候又耗費客服成本,所以客服人員是否可伸縮成為網店的一點痛點,然而剛好外包可以解決這個問題。  有些店鋪的模式並不是很大,自己培養一個客服團隊的可能性不大,更傾向於隨便找一兩個人兼任客服。   由於小型的網店客服人員比較少,排班比較困難,晚班非常難安排,遇到節假日的時候店鋪也是沒有辦法安排的。   由於客服數量少,很難做到統一管理,客服流失性比較大,非專業的客服也不懂淘寶規則,在工作中存在很大的隱患,畢竟現在網店規則是越來越嚴格。   網店的人員流動性大,會導致客服的成本上升,反反複複的招聘和培訓店主也會操碎心的。   對於客服來說,工作比較枯燥,每天面對的顧客也是不一樣的,還要倒班,在大型活動的時候更是連續很多天都要全天在線,忙的時候太忙,閑的時候可能太閑,客服的門檻低,沒有職業規劃,工作不穩定缺乏職業安全感。   客服外包的不同處 那麽客服外包有什麽不一樣呢?   外包公司的客服人員充足,並且不斷的在招聘有經驗的客服,在面對大型的活動或者人手不夠的時候都可以臨時增加人手接待。   外包團隊工作氣氛好,客服團隊工作更有激情,有良好的職業規劃,有成長的空間,客服在工作中會得到晉升的機會,團隊工作效率也更高。  專業的客服公司客服進公司都是會進行充分的培訓和考核的,針對不用的店鋪產品對客服進行培訓,組建知識庫,培養合格的客服才可以接手店鋪。   外包的客服公司有一套完整的培訓體系,有自己的管理部門,可以很好的提高客服的工作熱情,更好的為顧客提供服務。  客服外包的趨勢  現在客服外包是什麽趨勢? 有的網店都在提升服務,所有的商家都想在這個激烈的競爭環境下盡最大能力降低運營成本。從這些因素看來,客服外包絕對是顛覆性的行業趨勢,未來選擇自己招聘的店鋪和店主會越來越少。   網店面臨著諸多的客服問題,很多情況下店主是沒有辦法做徹底的改善的,觸手可及比較便捷的辦法就是選擇客服外包。外包在當下的E-Commerce大環境下是個大趨勢,以後人力成本只會越來越貴,E-Commerce平台對客服的專業性要求只會越來越高,整個社會也會逐漸過渡到服務型社會,因此,客服服務對於之後的網店來說更是重點因素了。
Customer Service Outsourcing


互聯網時代,電子商貿行業乘風而起,發展十分迅猛,如今已經是互聯網經濟重要的組成部分。 隨著多家電子商貿平台的崛起,客服逐漸成為了各大電商企業美譽的“前台”,基本成為了品牌形象的“代言”。  下單流程不清楚?問售前客服! 商品壞了要維修,找售後客服! 退貨換貨體驗差,首先還是找客服! ……   客服是許多消費者尋求幫助和反饋服務體驗的第一順位選擇,甚至是聯系商家的唯一渠道,客服的一言一行就代表了企業和品牌對消費者的態度,是企業文化的一面“鏡子”。 客服如此重要,自然應該受到電商企業的重視。然而許多電商企業在客服團隊的建設過程中,不可避免的遭受到了許多問題的困擾。  1招聘渠道窄招不到合適人選  2客服的人工成本越來越高  3新招客服經驗不足轉化率低  4工作性質導致人員流動性大  5專業客服團隊管理人才難尋  6節假日夜間店鋪無人打理 7大促期間客流暴增人手不足  在電子商貿企業這種緊迫的需求下,客服外包服務應運而生,專業為企業提供一系列的電商客服服務,屬於第三方商務服務。外包客服能解決成支出本高和客服人員不穩定的問題,對於企業來說是降低營運成本,提高品質和客戶滿意度的一種方法。 SME Bro有一批經驗豐富的客服人員,精通各行各業的客服話術,每一位都有互聯網銷售的資歷,只需要賣家做一個簡單的店鋪介紹即可上崗,為客戶提供最優質的服務,營造一個良好的購物環境。公司的服務範圍十分全面,多年來專註於電商服務。  客服素質高不高,對於電子商貿企業來說十分重要,因此選擇客服外包公司就需要非常謹慎,不僅僅需要客服公司懂客服、懂管理、懂銷售,還要懂消費者、懂品牌,這樣才能在服務好企業客戶的同時,為企業樹立起良好的形象,為企業今後的發展贏得更好的口碑和更多的支持。
Why you should hire outsource customer services for your SME
Customer Service Outsourcing

Why you should hire outsource customer services for your SME

Outsource customer service would be a solution for your SME. To clarify, SME in Hong Kong means an enterprise with not more than one hundred employees in it. Thus, the customer service role is important to look by. Especially if your product growth is growing fast. Customer service is the frontline of your business. They will be the face of your SME. Similarly, it is like a receptionist in the hotel. Therefore, you should hire them since you must grow or defend your reputation. You can recruit customer services via an online job board, a referral from your employee or friend, or outsource company (third party). Outsourcing is when you recruit workers from a third party (outsource company). They will provide what you need at your request. For instance, if you request a programmer. Therefore, they will give you options to choose from. It’s your decision to choose what is the best outsource worker that would fit your SME’s target and culture. Recruiting workers are hard to do since it must fit not only your goal and vision but also your SME’s culture. This article will explain why you should hire outsource customer services for your SME! Why you must hire customer services 1. The bridge between management and customers Customer services will handle and get complaints from customers. Therefore, they are the bridge between management and customers. 2. The face of your SME Customer services will be the face of your SME because they will be the first ones to meet customers. Therefore, how they treat a customer will be your SME’s reputation. One bad treatment and your SME’s reputation will decrease. On the other hand, if you have good customer service. Your SME will have a repeat order and loyalty from customers. 3. Know your weaknesses Because customer services handle complaints in their job. You will know what are weaknesses inside your product or business which is important if you want your business to grow. 4. Problem-solving method Good communication is the key to problem-solving. Good customer service can solve customers' problems if they are not trained enough to use the product. Especially if your implementation specialist has a poor result on his/her job. 5. Increase sales and retention Customer services can increase your sales and retention because if someone is comfortable with services. They might come again, again, and again! Therefore, it is a better way than hiring more salespeople. What are the criteria for the best customer service? 1. Big patience Because of customer handle complaints of customers. Additionally, not to mention if a customer says a rude or bad word to them. Therefore, the best customer service needs big patience to handle it. 2. Fast learner Customer services must know the inside-out of an SME. Thus, customer services must be a fast learner to learn all of SME’s products, services, etc. 3. Remain calm under pressures Some customers are not friendly. In other words, rude. The best customer service must remain calm under pressure to give the best service such as when an angry customer pressures him/her about a bad experience when he/she uses a product from your SME. 4. Problem-solving mindset If there are problems, then there are solutions. It is a customer service role to solve the problem of customers if it is necessary without any help from other divisions. 5. Excellent communication skill As a bridge between management and customers. Therefore, excellent communication skill is needed for customer service to prevent miscommunication, effective and efficient problem-solving for customers. 6. Listening skill This skill is usually forgotten but ironically important. Customer service needs to listen to understand the customer, not just to answer them. Why you should hire from outsourcing company This session will explain why hiring from outsourcing company is more beneficial than doing open recruitment. 1. Saves time We only need to receive applicants to choose from instead of screening a thousand resumes. In conclusion, it saves us time. 2. Cutting cost It reduces the operational cost since you pay the outsourcing company, and the wage of workers is usually lower. 3. Well trained workers Because you can choose a specific job to hire from an outsourcing company. Therefore, you don’t take time too much to train them since they have experience. 4. Reduce risks Well-trained workers mean they know how to do the job with minimal mistakes. So, it reduces the risk for your SME. Conclusion To sum up, if you want to grow your SME, recruiting outsource customer services is an important step to take! We provide the best quality customer service here. Let's grow your SME by hiring professional customer service from us! Click here. After that, getting the best customer service is no dream at all😊!