12 Best Team Building Events for Work in 2023

12 Best Team Building Events for Work in 2023

Boost Collaboration with These 12 Exciting Team Building Activities in 2023 Elevate teamwork and enhance communication with our curated list of innovative team building events. From trivia showdowns and picnics to cook-offs and movie nights, these activities foster camaraderie, improve problem-solving, and increase motivation. Discover the top team building trends of 2023 for a more cohesive and engaged workforce. For more business insights, visit SMEbrother, your resource for small to medium-sized business success.
15 Best Leadership Skills for Work in 2023

15 Best Leadership Skills for Work in 2023

Master Effective Leadership: Discover the Top 15 Leadership Skills for Work in 2023 Elevate your leadership game with essential skills for success. From relationship building and emotional intelligence to decision-making and time management, cultivate a well-rounded leadership approach. SMEbrother presents the ultimate guide to leadership skills, empowering professionals to excel in managing teams and achieving organizational goals. For more insightful business tips, explore SMEbrother, your go-to resource for small to medium-sized business growth.
Management Games

15 Best Management Games to Play at Work

Elevate Team Performance with Fun and Effective Management Games Boost teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills through engaging management games. From 'Time Squared' to 'Back-to-Back Drawing,' these activities foster collaboration, creativity, and efficiency. Discover the top management games to enhance your team's abilities and promote a positive work environment. Explore SMEBrother.com for more insights on team improvement and skill development, helping your business thrive and overcome challenges.
Top 10 Sales Coaching Tips That Work in 2023
business to the next level

Top 10 Sales Coaching Tips That Work in 2023

Discover effective sales coaching tips for 2023 that can elevate your team's performance. Learn how to build trust, use data insights, personalize approaches, and provide ongoing motivation to drive sales success. Find expert guidance and resources at SMEBrother to empower your small or medium-sized business.
The Importance of Accounting Software for Small Business
Accounting Service

The Importance of Accounting Software for Small Business

We need many factors to survive and continue to grow with our small business. One of them is ensuring the money is well-managed. If a business wants to run well, then nothing is more important than accounting. Solid accounting will keep the business in top financial shape and you can have better financial decisions. How to always keep an eye on accounting if the business owner doesn't have a lot of knowledge in finance and accounting? Accounting software is the answer. There are still many business owners who think that their business does not need accounting software because of cost issues, or feel that software is not very helpful. Let's take a look at what software can do to keep a business running. What accounting is needed for a small business? Small business uses a complete record of income and expenses, then extracts financial information from all transactions accurately. The early stages of business must track and manage their money effectively. If it's done well, small business accounting will maintain overall finances, and helps in generating payroll and invoices. Is it worth using accounting software? Yes, small businesses can rely on accounting software because it can help bookkeeping and all services that can be performed by a certified public accountant (CPA). The software can ensure the business does not have financial errors. 5 Signs small business needs accounting software The business experiencing growth For every small business that is just starting out, spreadsheets are a handy tool for budgeting and planning out your next business finances. As your business grows, you can find many things easier to do, such as tracking invoices, cash flow projections, getting multiple spreadsheets and paperwork. There will be a time when there must be more than one person to manage finances. You can choose to hire a professional accountant to run software that can handle tasks such as generating reports, recording new information, or approving payments. Right now, a lot of software has features to be accessed on several devices, and only certain parties can access them. Requiring faster financial information Growing businesses will have large volumes of financial data. If the data has been arranged in spreadsheets, you can easily make decisions because analyzing neat data doesn't take a long time. Manual bookkeeping requires a higher level of accuracy and must have other data as confirmation. If you are not used to seeing manual bookkeeping formats, then you will need a lot of time to read data and analyze it. The software has many tools and analytics to get detailed summaries of the cash flow, profit, expenses, etc. The key to accessing information is cropping up any issues and being able to identify where the problems are. Small businesses that can identify financial problems will rectify instantly and make better decisions. Need automation repetitive tasks Small business owners need to do many things for their company with multiple tasks and tackling any conflicts. For administrative tasks, there are many things that need to be done repetitively and take up a lot of time. Some of these things are processing transactions, invoicing customers, and inventory tracking. By owning software, you can automate some tasks and leaves you with additional time to spend on solving other problems, determining how your business grows, rather than managing documents and spreadsheets every day. Increasing manual errors If your business starts getting frequent manual errors, it's a sign that you need a software to help you in tracking records. It's not surprising that when you work on financial records manually, there will always be number errors, discrepancies in amounts, or data that has not been entered. Why Outsource Accounting Services is The Best Choice for Your Company If you are manually keying all your invoice data, then you need to record all the date, invoice number, invoice amount, customer name, and update the data to the spreadsheet immediately. If you procrastinate even a bit and forget, it leaves room for error. Mistakes are inevitable, but can be greatly reduced if you use software. Innacurate statements or lost tax credits are less common in businesses that store financial data in software. Lack accounting system or technical accounting skills Not all business owners are highly skilled in accounting and bookkeeping. Sometimes many owners are still not comfortable with accounting and bookkeeping and need to delegate these tasks to other people. If small businesses cannot manage their finances properly, they can eventually fail due to highly volatile cash flow transactions. Another possibility is a business that does not have a proper accounting system that still records all their finances on paper. If there are missing papers or data inconsistencies, it will have a big impact on cash flow. The benefits of using accounting software for small business The primary benefits of using software are cuts down on redundant data entry, saving a lot of time, and helping to keep more accurate records. Many tasks can be done using software, such as sales tracking, inventory management, budgeting, payroll, estimates, business tax reporting, etc. The primary benefits of using software are cuts down on redundant data entry, saving a lot of time, and helping to keep more accurate records. Many tasks can be done using software, such as sales tracking, inventory management, budgeting, payroll, estimates, business tax reporting, etc. Let's discuss more thoroughly. For example, tracking expenses. Cash and cash flow are the most essential things for any small business. A single accounting mistake can cost a lot. With the software, you can scan and record any transactions and track expenses, preventing yourself for any mistake scenarios. Next, managing inventory. If inventory is not recorded properly, then you will lose a lot of costs to buy new items. Software will help you to manage inventory and ensure you don't fall short of goods. You can manage the ordering process, and determine which ones you will buy based on which types of goods are performing and which are not. There's a lot of benefits when you start using software for your accounting problems. If you are still confused about what software is right for your small business, or what you should do for financial records, you can visit smebrother.com. Our website offers a wide range of articles, guides, and services to help entrepreneurs grow their businesses and overcome challenges. Whether you're just starting out or looking to take your business to the next level, our team of experts is here to support you every step of the way. Check out smebrother.com today and see how we can help your business thrive.
Best Expanding Business Strategies in 2023
business to the next level

Best Expanding Business Strategies in 2023

Scaling a business must have strong fundamentals and have the ability to see it through. Expanding business takes lots of effort and a lot to learn. It means we have to learn about sales, marketing, taxes, or corporate compliance. Many business owners feel that they are struggling to expand their business, and don't know what to do. There is always a way for you to succeed in your business. Let's try to clear our own mind, look at things in perspective, and try to identify what steps we can take to expand our business. This article will discuss several business growth strategies quickly and efficiently. Stay till the end. Why is expanding a business important? The main reason of business expansion is the opportunity to get potential customers in a wider range. Expanding business can help you to become the top level in market niches. You can get new geographic markets, provide next level of service, and acquire more customers. Expansion can be an impression of growing financial viability. When your business goes according to plan and gets a lot of revenue, it's time for you to introduce your brand to a wider environment and try to compete at the top level. What is the indicators that it's time to expand your business? There are several following factors that become a reference for you to expand your business. When viewed from the customer factor, you have a loyal customer base, customers ask you to grow, customers give positive or negative feedback for the progress of your business. If you look at the company, you have a solid team to support expansion, the business has been profitable for more than a year, steady and positive cash flow. Sometimes expanding business can be seen from your business needing related products or services, and you are running out of room. 10 strategies for quickly expanding business in 2023 If several indicators have been seen in your business, then you need strategies to direct your business to the next level. Let's take a look for some quick business strategies in 2023. Research the competitors You have to know who you are competing with. Do research about the product or service that you are going to market, and how your competitors are doing it in the market. You can use the platform to uncover what competitors are doing for their online strategy. Find a way that has a plus value in your product or service compared to your competitors. 10 Excellent Tips to Grow Business Quickly Don't hesitate to enter the market, and increase brand awareness while improving your product or service so that you get positive feedback. Identify opportunities First, you must understand your business demographic. Align with customer demand and look for opportunities to add products or services. Do market research and ask current customers for opinions on what offerings they would like to see in your business and what they are willing to pay for you. But be careful, don't let the pivot get too far from your core business. The key to opportunities is to diversify your offerings that can complement your product or service. Optimize existing market Sometimes a marketing strategy doesn't have to be to attract new customers. You can focus on selling more to your existing customers by offering other services that they might need, or other products that can complement what your customers buy. To start with, you need to segment the market and identify what customers buy from you. The analysis can be divided into several criteria, such as location, gender, age, and buying history. After you find which part is the most profitable in your market, focus your sales and marketing strategy on that segment. Claim a niche market It's a method to grow a business by narrowing down the market to very specific types of customers. The niche market only focuses on a specific subset of the market with products or services that focus on that market. The function of focusing on niche markets is less competition, and only requires fewer resources. You can experience higher word-of-mouth growth and higher brand loyalty. Create a loyal customer program Create specific ideas to focus on existing customers and provide certain features when they order your product or services again. For example, for the third purchase, you will get free merchandise or a price discount. Or you can create a membership with a cheaper selling price or provide special benefits to member owners. If you calculate aqcuiring new customers by selling something to existing customers, the marketing strategy costs 3x more to new customers. Creating a loyalty program including great ways to increase sales, and customers will be more interested in buying your product or service. Online sales channels Online method is a must. Make your product available to buy online to extend your market reach. You can choose between creating a business website using an e-commerce website, or using digital advertising to support a broader market. Another option is to sell your items on e-commerce marketplaces like eBay or Amazon, or special websites that can discover your services. Don't forget to always update your products and services on social platforms like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and Pinterest for brand awareness. Franchise model If you see your business growing rapidly, consider franchising it. You can start calculating the fees for the franchise and how the permits are. Learn about the franchise model and marketing knowledge, because this is one quick step to raise your business level. Having a new market Moving into a new market by selling your existing products or services. The new market is a different location and a different market segment, but not far from your existing location. It means opening up a branch and focusing your marketing efforts for locations and new customers. The cost involved is quite high, but it can introduce your products and services to a new location. If you have succeeded in the existing location, you can achieve the same achievement in the new location, it's only a matter of time. Seek referals Seeking out customer referrals will help you gain brand awareness and expand your business even better. A personal recommendation is a powerful weapon in a marketing strategy, because referred customers are easier to buy than non-referred customers. A suitable way to increase word-of-mouth marketing is to create a customer referral program. Strategic partnerships Partnering with other businesses will pave your way into new markets. Choose the right partner by contacting them, and propose opportunities to collaborate. Find a partner who can complement your business and different fields. You and your partner can benefit each other and can get new customers simultaneously. Growing a business requires lots of efforts as well as costs. If you're looking for a reliable source of information and resources for small and medium-sized businesses, look no further than smebrother.com. Our website offers a wide range of articles, guides, and services to help entrepreneurs grow their businesses and overcome challenges. Whether you're just starting out or looking to take your business to the next level, our team of experts is here to support you every step of the way. Check out smebrother.com today and see how we can help your business thrive.
Everything You Need To Know About Field Marketing
business to the next level

Everything You Need To Know About Field Marketing

Every business model needs marketing to promote its business. Marketing is like a vehicle for companies to drive leads and sales. There are several types of marketing that can be used in every business, such as traditional marketing, digital marketing, field marketing, and others. Even though each type of marketing provides the same results, each company has its own steps to choose which type, and match it with the type of business. This time, SMEBrothers will discuss what you need to know about field marketing, and how to implement it in your business. What is field marketing? Field marketing is a number of activities sought out by marketers to build brands, lead generation, and customer relationships for a company or client. The method uses a measurable process, and involves face-to-face interactions with customers and other leads. Some examples of field marketing activities are direct sales promotions, product demonstrations, roadshows, events, and webinars. The goal is to influence, inform, persuade and educate customers to buy the services or products offered. Types of field marketing campaigns There are several common methods that are often used for campaigns by field marketers. Some of these things can be done according to business needs, or just a few of them can be done. Product demos The most common activity by field marketers is by giving free samples, product giveaways, and hands-on experiences. Its use is to introduce products or services directly. Often used by big brands in providing new product variants. Guerilla marketing Field marketers are being more creative with their approach by selecting an atypical location, a unique method that they want to develop themselves, with the element of surprise. The tactics are unconventional, and depend on plenty of imagination and energy. Retail audits Field marketers visit stores to collect data about promotional materials, signage, products, etc., to determine whether retailer partnerships meet the needs or need to be improved. Direct selling After doing product demos, sometimes field marketers must be ready if there are actual sales, and every filed marketer must be ready with a stock of items that are ready and sold right away. Tradeshows Businesses have time to showcase their products and services to potential partners or prospective customers. Conferences The company provides an educational experience to attract B2B audiences to your brand by holding events. What does field marketer do? Field marketers have more roles in sales, making it feel more like a salesperson than a marketing one. Simply put, field marketers can be the best in both sales and marketing. A field marketer helps to reach sales and marketing goals by offering samples, meeting with prospects, and building relationships. Three common field marketers activities are improving brand awareness, boosting sales while on location, and increasing engagement at targeted locations. You will often see field marketers in the field at local networking events, and carry out activities such as offering samples and making direct sales to customers and prospects. What Is Affiliate Marketing, And What Are The Benefits? There is a slight difference between B2C and B2B field marketing. B2C field marketers are more common in local venues, such as restaurants, shopping malls, gyms, marathons, street corners, and other similar events. While B2B field marketers engage with clients in various touchpoints, such as webinars, events, trade shows, conferences, and meetings. Responsibilities of field marketers Field marketers are skilled both in marketing and sales. When viewed from the two things that must be mastered, they have quite a lot of responsibilities. Field marketers must make plans and complete the field marketing campaigns, after making previous preparations by conducting preliminary research. Every field marketer must have in-depth knowledge of product lines and services, ready to answer any questions prospects or customers have about services or products at any level. During field marketing events, field marketers produce various signage, marketing collateral, literature, merchandise, etc. They need to maintain relationships with retailers, third-party vendors and venues. If there are competitors in the same location, field marketers must monitor and analyze how competitors offer their products and services, and always learn new things about industry trends. Not only expert in offline marketing and sales, but also managing social media for field marketing campaigns. Field marketers must come to relevant conferences, trade shows, and other events to share customer and lead intel with the sales team. After everything is done, field marketers create reports for any activities and results. Benefits of field marketing With many responsibilities as field marketers, we can expect many benefits to be gained. Field marketers are specially trained for meeting and meeting the needs of the target audience, as well as being perfect in knowing the brand's values, goals and inner workings. Let's take a look at some of the benefits of field marketing. Improve brand perception Brand perception is a positive light for every business. Customers are starting to see your brand as something to consider or buy. If field marketers can be successful in bringing the target audience to see our brand, then you can build a reputation and gain their trust from people who only see your brand to prospective customers. Getting out your brand into the field can help you to improve brand perception. This is better than placing banner ads, because not many people see banner ads and focus on them. In contrast to the existence of field marketers who can directly interact with prospective buyers and introduce your product directly. Handles customers It is natural for customers to be skeptical with a new brand or a brand they have not known before. One way to introduce them is with field marketing. By having a special person who is directly in the field, your brand has wider opportunities to answer what customers say about your company or products, up to answering any hard or harsh questions about anything related to your business. Field marketers are trained to answer any questions regarding brands and product demonstrations directly in front of their customers. If done right, this can change the outlook for customers who were initially skeptical, to become convinced of your brand. Accurate targeting Face-to-face activity by field marketers has many opportunities to learn about what customers like and don't like in certain products. If you combine quantitative data with information obtained from the fields, you can target your audience in more detail. Field marketing that has got the right location and understands what customers want will find it easier to get leads and sales. Builds relationship with customers Field marketers have the opportunity to create memorable experiences with customers by giving samples, explaining products or services in detail, or talking a lot about your product until these customers feel connected. This leaves positive impressions for your prospects, and can be a great opportunity for future sales.   Do you understand what you can get from field marketing? Immediately negotiate with the team and start looking for the right field marketers to level up your business. If you're looking for a reliable source of information and resources for small and medium-sized businesses, look no further than smebrother.com. Whether you're just starting out or looking to take your business to the next level, our team of experts is here to support you every step of the way. Check out smebrother.com today and see how we can help your business thrive.
10 Best Corporate Training Programs Every Employee Should Be Provided With
business to the next level

10 Best Corporate Training Programs Every Employee Should Be Provided With

One of the ways to advance the company is through employee training. Having employees who just stay without progress in the last few years can also be a burden for the company, especially if you let them go and find new people and need some time to teach new employees. The best thing that the company does is having corporate training programs for benefit both business owners and employees. Employee training can add several years of experience to a person's skill set, and accelerate the growth of individuals and companies. Every company definitely needs employees who are growing better at their jobs, and adding internal talent with a growing marketing strategy, as well as saving recruiting costs and time. Let's learn why we need training programs for employees. What is the corporate training? Corporate training is special training provided by the company to increase the skills and knowledge of employees. Training employees can use a system of activities that can educate employees and adjust to business objectives and align with the company goals. The main objective of corporate training is improving various aspects of employees, starting from expanding their knowledge, adding experience, and performing their jobs at a high level. What are benefits of corporate training for employees? Corporate training programs provide a lot of company-wide benefits. The corporate training is one way to boost company-wide competencies to facilitate progress toward business goals. These programs can target any level of performance you want to hit, whether you want to complete challenges or meet stretch objectives. The programs can save companies from a lot of money which might be wasteful for turnover. Besides, if there is a company that provides professional development opportunities, of course employees will not waste it. Both employees and companies will get their respective benefits, such as employees will develop communication, higher soft skills, collaboration skills, and increasing productivity. With higher-performing sales teams, companies can increase profits and expand their business even faster. Basically, corporate training will motivate employees to perform better, and help companies to have internal talent specially trained to be experts in each specific role. Best corporate training programs that your employee should be provided with Now let's find out what forms of training are suitable for your employees, and align them with your business goals. Communication skills training In a working environment, communication is the main thing. We all communicate with each other in work by talking, using body language, and understand each other both consciously and unconsciously. A strong communication skill set is a foundation for business success. Employees will be able to master conflict resolution, improve their ability to convey ideas and receive other ideas, sending clear messages through verbal or emails. While the company will get a stronger form of team building. Companies will get employees who can problem-solve, better engagement, and teams will be working effectively together. Mindfulness training The corporate world must think about employees' wellness from a physical and mental perspective. Paying attention to employees is one of the best ways to retain staff. This corporate training will enable employees to make better decisions in their organizations by observing clearly every situation, always being objective in every matter, and cultivating a rational mind. Top Ways To Improve Employee Productivity The mindfulness training will make employees understand how to reduce stress, anxiety, and tension. Employees can rebound more easily from conflict, failure, and adversity because they are calmer and wiser in solving all kinds of problems. Overall, this training will gain health and wellness for every employee. Delegation skill training For managers and higher ups, delegation skills is needed. You don't need to be brilliant at everything, because every task needs to be delegated so that it can be completed faster and on target. Knowing how to delegate and understanding the capabilities of team members is the key to success. For this reason, delegation skills training is a must, because managers and higher ups must identify team members' talents and skills, how to delegate tasks effectively and efficiently, as well as proper training for following up on tasks and when you can provide proper support right on target. Collaborative team dynamic training Team dynamic training will provide courses on navigating the complexities of team interactions, and giving groups the skills and knowledge they need to. This training is perfect for fostering teams and giving them space to collaborate, communicate, and work better together. Employees will feel how exciting it is to work with a team, and also feel part of a team. They will build trust with each other, and begin to understand the communication styles that each member has. The benefit for the company is that there is no need for intervention for dysfunctional teams, and there is no need for trial and error. Let the corporate training be the initial incestment, and see how the team can work well together. Active listening skills training As team members, listening to managers or other members is essential. Active listening skills training includes straightforward short courses but can produce great results. Miscommunication and conflict in the workplace can be minimized after employees can understand the simple act of listening properly. Employees will get a number of fun activities to improve their listening skills which can have a positive impact on their work. In the end of the day, paying more attention to what other people are saying is more useful than simply listening to it, because that can lead to misunderstanding and incorrect information. Conflict management training Resolving conflict is something that is needed in every company. Did you know that there are methods and techniques for dealing with conflicts when they arise? It would be a good idea to provide this corporate training to managers, sales staff, team leaders, human resources staff and customer care employees. The training will focus on providing a scenario of how the team deals with conflict. Employees must be able to find solutions together, and not be preoccupied with each other's arguments, while collaborating to resolve conflicts with a calm mind. Presentation skills training Practicing vocal modulation with presentations is a good step to improve the soft skills of employees. Not everyone can speak in front of a crowd, but that doesn't mean they can't be learned. Presentation skills are all about how to convey presentation material well with eye contact, a loud voice, clear delivery, and confidence. Employees will find ways to gain their confidence when they are up on stage, and ways to convey presentation points in a straightforward and clear manner. However, companies will rest easy because they have employees who are ready to present their products or services with charm and grace to attract collaborators, funders, and clients. Confident decision making One of the great courses to start is decision making training. It has in-depth mental modeling that can improve the process of making decisions and how to take reliable steps to make the right call. Sometimes employees will be faced with bad calls or negative feedback from their decisions. But through this training, employees will be in a safe environment to carry out games with the concept of choosing the right decision and pinpointing the right problem. Companies that have employees with the right decision making, they will have higher trust. It is because the results of employee choices are in accordance with logic, and good informed decisions will make it easier for companies to delegate tasks. Time management training Time is a very valuable commodity in every workplace. Having corporate training on time management is useful for increasing productivity and completing any deadline without being late. Managing time will be useful for all employees, because they can handle any tasks from minor to major tasks, and know how to prioritize tasks. Companies will get a lot of benefits when their employees really appreciate working time, and don't spend time on things that have nothing to do with work. Emotional intelligence EQ or Emotional intelligence has been an individual's interpersonal success for years. EQ is a critical driver of career performance, and can influence job success. EQ training will teach employees to be self-awareness, understanding what they should improve by regulating their own behaviors. Employees will be calmer after having emotional intelligence, to work with their optimal performance.   Have you chosen which corporate training programs are suitable for employees and company needs? Immediately find corporate training that can add to the skills of each employee, and will optimize the ability of each team member to pursue goals and success. If you need other information about small and medium-sized business, our website offers a wide range of articles, guides, and tools to help entrepreneurs grow their businesses and overcome challenges. Whether you're just starting out or looking to take your business to the next level, our team of experts is here to support you every step of the way. Check out smebrother.com today and see how we can help your business thrive.  
Best Project Management Tools & Software in 2023

Best Project Management Tools & Software in 2023

Project management is one of the essential things for an organization, because it helps every part of the business run according to plan effectively and efficiently. If project management is done correctly, each objective will be fulfilled, deliver on time, and on the right budget. But how to do project management properly? You can use project management tools. Not all companies know about the existence of special tools designed to meet unique company needs and according to preferences. Let's go into detail about the tools in 2023 that you can use for project management. What are project management tools? Tools with a set of software to help project teams to plan, track, and manage projects and achieving the defined project, and ensure certain constraints such as budget, time, and quality are as desired. The tools have key solutions for some of the main managing project challenges, such as time-consuming and lead to errors. There are many choices of software or tools that companies can choose by either purchasing or using it for free online. Each tool and software has its own features and uniqueness, so companies must be observant in adjusting to the needs of their projects. Are project management software or tools important? Yes, because project management tools and software will empower users to focus on work and streamline communication with the team to get the project done on time. There are many other benefits that you can get, such as effective task delegation, easier file access and sharing, improved planning and scheduling, effective risk mitigation, and excellent budget management. Perfect Guide About Management vs Leadership For You But remember, not all software or tools have the same features. You have to see what you can get in the software or tools you use, and whether it fits your needs. Sometimes free tools or free software only provide limited features, such as storage or working procedures. You need to pay to get full access and more storage. We will distinguish several tools based on their performance, namely tools for managing multiple projects and tools with time tracking. Project management tools for managing multiple projects Monday.com This is probably the most usable tools you can find, because every aspect of project management is available here. Starting from planning to tracking progress in a user-friendly and visually pleasing manner. Monday.com presents you tools with an attractive interface, complete work organization tools, and easy to use. If most of project management platforms only have one or two mainstay things, but not for Monday.com, because all aspects of your work are available with dozens of integrations and automations. ClickUp ClickUp is a collaborative productivity platform that builds for teams, because it brings everyone together with visibility, context and clear priorities. This is a great collaboration tool for companies that want more productivity while saving time to complete projects flawlessly. Some of the features you can use in ClickUp are Data-driven dashboards to track progress with real-time reporting, advanced automations for team's workflows, collaborative docs for teams to stay aligned from strategy to implementation, and customizable tasks to breakdown projects up to several actionable items . Teamwork Teamwork includes an enterprise project management platform that can manage client work, including time tracking, invoicing, up to unlimited client access. It's a comprehensive platform that gives you reports about what you need to maximize in resources and not wasting time. The main feature of Teamwork is All-in-one management, with one place for everything about projects, freelancers, clients, and teams. This tool can track every detail by breaking projects into tasks, and tasks into subtasks, so that no employee misses it. It also has integrated chat with colleagues and clients in real time, without having to replace it on other platforms which take longer. Paymo Paymo is a suitable tool for project transparency to collaborate effectively between you as the project implementer, with contributors and stakeholders. Paymo has project management features such as client communication and invoicing, as well as details on team tasks and schedules. It's a centralized project management for those of you who like to keep track of everything. Paymo has features, including task budgets with appropriate hour levels, tracking projects with start and finish times, alerts for milestones, and sorting tasks for deadlines and priority for any projects. Project management tools with time tracking Time tracking is needed by users to visualize time spent on projects and every task. This enhances long-term strategic planning and saves on billing for more effective performance. Wrike Write is suitable for project management because it's easy to use, great for collaboration and communication. Features from Wrike, including dynamic request forms, custom workflows, dashboards with clear pictures of work, proof tools for soliciting and feedback, and comprehensive templates for those of you who want to launch any kind of project. Mavenlink Mavenlink helps project management to bring people together. The separate teams do unified project work without having to use redundant team communication tools. Mavenlink uses CRM integration features to keep your work running smoothly, complemented by resource management for planning projects to be more detailed and organized. You can see the task progress to make it easy to check how far the project is running, and how healthy the project is running. There are collaboration features to keep everyone in touch, and business intelligence features to help you make decisions using data leverage. You can try Mavenlink with a free trial period, then you can see how many plans per month at an affordable cost. Nutcache Nutcache is a tool that focuses on teamwork. The model is specifically designed for how teams work together and helps teams to work together efficiently. Nutcache focuses on enhancing collaboration with the goal that every project must always be successful with good teamwork. Nutcache has features, like a visual board to manage tasks and track projects, alerts to remind the team about deadlines, billing features, and project progress with flow diagrams. GanttPro The tool that uses classic Gantt chats as the foundation for work strategies. GanttPro focuses on project management that let the team view everything. Teams can track changes, deadline updates, view comments, etc. Teams always know how far the project is going, and what the situation is. The features of GanttPro are templates that are user-friendly and make planning a project easier, cloud format for team members who can check in anywhere and anytime, real-time comments to reduce team meetings and more communication, sharing features to make communication easier with clients and what you want, as well as workload features for balancing the assignment distribution.   Have you found which tools or software are best for your project management? Immediately check the software and tools that are suitable for your project, and see what features are offered, from the trial period to the premium features.     If you want other information about things that are needed for small business to medium level businesses, visit SMEBrother.com. Websites that offer guides and tools for entrepreneurs struggling to grow their businesses and overcome challenges. Check out smebrother.com today and see how we can help your business thrive.