Top Business Survival Tips in 2023
Business in China

Top Business Survival Tips in 2023

The past few years have probably been the most difficult years for your new and young business. The effects of a pandemic, economic changes, the credit squeeze and recession can become a big problem and make it difficult for businesses to progress. But as business owners, we cannot give up on circumstances and must keep our business alive. We need to learn how to survive in difficult economic conditions and continue to develop accordingly. Splitting the two focuses between how to survive and how to grow is a challenging task but it’s still possible to do. That's why we need to know about business survival tips in 2023. What is survival and growth in business? The survival of business is when your revenue barely covers expenses. You will still be in survival mode if your growing rate of inflation is 2-3% per annum. If a business continues to be in survival mode for a long time, then they will go out of business. While growth is the long-term survival of a business by means of fund investments, drives profit and business performance, attracts new talent, brand awareness, and any efforts to make the business grow. Growth is necessary for every business, because it allows you to employ more staff, expand products or services, attract more customers, and take advantage of new opportunities. If you are out of survival mode, you can respond to market demand, capitalize on your brand, and increase your market share. Growth does not run by itself. You need to have a business survival strategy, business plan, and run it in a sustainable manner. What is most important for survival of business? Shifting from survival mode to growth mode takes a fair amount of time and effort. Every entrepreneur must find their position and know some of the important factors that make them survive. Know where you stand Survival mode means tightening profit margins, saving cash, cutting costs, and sometimes you need to lay off employees. Unlike the growth mode which expands their operations, adds employees, and reinvests profits. But growth mode also requires brainstorms with long-term payoffs. You need to know the current position of your business whether it is at a safe level or is it worrying. If you feel that too many resources are wasted, then you must immediately find the problem point and minimize resource wastage. There are several checklists that can be used as a reference whether your company is still in survival mode or not. Is the company's cash flow break-even? does the company have credit lines or existing cash that can be used for growth? Are there always new discussions for business development with existing staff? If you can answer all these questions, then you are in a good spot and ready to start developing. Focus on staff development Every staff must have a collective mindset to continue to grow and not be stuck in the same position. If your business is shifting to growth mode, then staff need to change their performance by adopting a proactive attitude, not stopping learning new things, and taking part in providing suggestions during meetings. You cannot force some of these things on every staff, but you can give them training or courage by giving them a positive attitude. Know why you need to survive Business survival must have a strong reason. Even though the recession is a pretty good reason, it can't be the main reference for why you have to keep moving and growing your business. Brainstorm with staff to assess your company's strengths and weaknesses, let staff provide their educated opinions for the common good. One of the biggest mistakes is business owners who are rigid and don't want to hear staff's opinion about what steps should be taken for the company in long-term measures. Each staff has their own input for what can be improved in the company, and this can become a shared spirit to build the company and stay alive. Top 10 business survival tips Here are some tips for those of you who are in survival mode and are struggling with the staff to ensure your business is running well to grow. Have a business plan A business plan must always be in every business and constantly reviewed. A business plan is like a route map to help business owners go in the direction they want. A good plan must have targets and a track record of whether your business stays on track. With a business plan, business owners will always be forced to think about the next step and what makes the business different from other similar businesses. Measure every numbers Every business owner must understand the key numbers in their business. Not only about finances, but also quantitative measures, such as numbers of inquiries, conversion rates, website traffic, capital for advertisements, etc. Great measuring numbers can be good records and understand critical key performance indicators when you want to grow your business. Good time management There are many time management tools that you can use to find out which tasks are urgent and which are non-urgent, try to get all of your staff to use the same tools so that the direction of the plan can be in accordance with what you want. Good time managers can become great routines and be followed by all staff. Don't let you or stagg do many things at the same time, and complete tasks one by one without being overwhelmed. Differentiate yourself Every business always has something in common with other businesses. Make your business unique by differentiating in the services, products, or after sales section. It's not an easy process, but you can start by asking for feedback from customers to improve service and product quality, and brainstorm with staff what marketing steps you want to take to differentiate between your business and competitors. Look for references from successful business men Looking for good people around you, like someone who is already successful in their field, can be your step for business survival. You need to hear their stories about how to deal with problems, how to survive, and how to thrive in tough competition with competitors. Don't hesitate to take part in seminars or add relationships for your additional knowledge in doing business. Audit your business Even though everything is going according to plan, you must still have a neutral outsider to see whether your business is developing positively or negatively. You can hire a professional auditor like Smebrother who can give you the best advice on how you can survive and move forward on the track you plan. Go online Technological developments require us to do business online. Make an online presence such as a website or social media, because every customer will see whether or not the company is trusted based on their social media and websites. There are many platforms that you can use for free to introduce your products and services, paid or free. Manage the cash Cash is crucial in business. Conserving your cash is necessary if you feel that the money is tight and it seems that the business is not running as it should. Keep an eye on expenses and watch for possible unnecessary costs. Work as a team Running a business doesn't have to only come from your own mind. You can brainstorm with staff, find out their suggestions and criticisms so you can have many perspectives on how you run your business. Take a mutual agreement to achieve success, and research together possible problems that arise and immediately deal with them carefully. Maintaining communication between the owner and staff can trigger higher morale. Always improve Every great business leader will never stop learning and improvising. Set aside some time to learn new things that suit your products and services, invite some of your staff to upgrade their skills. You don't need to do it every day, but you have to do it at least once a month. By learning new things, you can prepare long-term plans and invest in self-improvement.
How to Reduce Common Accounting Errors in Small Business
Accounting Service

How to Reduce Common Accounting Errors in Small Business

For any business, accounting is a crucial part of running a business. From small to medium-size businesses, accounting is an aspect that must be handled with care. Even the slightest mistake can pose a huge risk to a business, could cost time, money, or lead to an audit. Even though you can't manage everything in business finance, such as customers' buying trends or the economy, you can reduce the chances of any accounting errors. This article will discuss about that, so stay tune till the end. What Is Accounting Errors? All unintended accidents in accounting caused by a slip of the hand, like entering an incorrect key when filling in finances in an accounting application, or transposing a number. Common errors can occur due to many factors, from data entry to errors in principle. There are two broad categories of accounting errors that can be detected easily, but require a closer look. First, errors that impact the trial balance like unbalanced journal entries and single entry accounting, and second, errors that have no trial balance impact like duplicate entries, omitted transactions, reversed entries, incorrect values, incorrect general ledger accounts, or incorrect accounting treatment. What causes inaccurate financial reporting? Innacurate financial reporting can occur both internally and externally. It creates a cascading effect and impacts your organization's health. Some of the things below are examples of why financial reports can be wrong. Data incosistencies Minor or inconsequential inconsistencies can create storm clouds over your operational money. For example, when you are rounding your figures in disclosures, there's a result in data that is a single digit different from your financial statements. Every slightly differing figures can make mistakes in all financial reports, and are ill-prepared. No-post close review process You can improve on your closing by taking notes on what needs to be fixed in the system. Any inefficiencies must be identified in post-close reviews. The absence of a review on the closing process can miss any misses on business changes, guidance updates, or costs that don't stay on track. Incompetent staff Inadequately trained staff can directly and indirectly cause errors, such as miscount inventory, miscount in expense reports, etc. They do not understand financial rules, and may not be up to date with accounting standards and regulatory requirements. How can small businesses reduce accounting errors? Every prevention is worth as a cure. The accounting departments must have control procedures in filling out reports carefully and preventing any mistakes. You can do preventive and detective controls to minimize any errors. Use accounting software Any accounting software or application includes error-reducing features, such as block lopsided transactions. Many software provide the highest level of automation and system integration to minimize data entry errors. You can find software that suits your needs by applying the specified standards, and policies to limit errors of principle and errors of commission. Staff training Investing does not have to be in resources or capital, but can also be through staff. By training your staff properly, you can provide adequate resources and ensure maximum performance. Provide staff with manageable workloads. It is better to have more than one staff for financial checking, because overstretched accounting departments are easier to generate errors. Provide adequate review You can review another person's work product to minimize errors. It might be challenging for companies that still have a small staff, but you can try using an accounting person, or someone professional to review accounts periodically. Stay organized Try to have properly organized records to reduce the overlooking of accounting transactions that can produce errors of omission. Organized records are needed in the event of a tax audit. Reconciliations Comparing accounting balances with bank statements, credit card statements, and loan statements requires account reconciliations. It can also apply to comparisons of subsidiary journals to the general ledger. Subsidiary journals are chronological records of frequently occurring transactions. Even though this step can be skipped by using integrated accounting software, there's nothing wrong with trying it. Comparing actual and budgeted balances Highlight the variances of actual balances and budgeted balances. By analyzing variances that seem unreasonable, you can find any accounting errors. For example, omitted transactions are compared with the possible duplicated entries that could make the larger expected balances, and you can see which might make sense. Another procedure you can try is to compare the actual balances from the current year and the prior year with several key performance indicators. How to ensure financial records are accurate? After reducing the possibility of errors, you need to ensure that your financial statements are correct. Keep up with your financial statement regularly by creating an annual balance sheet or income statement that is developing monthly updates. It will help you pinpoint concern areas and research which ones need to be fixed. If you are not familiar with the balance sheet, then you will not be able to realize which errors occur frequently or where unexpected errors occur. If you feel overwhelmed because you have to check the balance sheet alone, get an accountant and work with you regularly. Choose a professional accountant like Smebrother as a third party to review your records and books. An accountant can see a hard look at reported numbers and patterns to determine which ones can become concerns. Having a second set of eyes will help you spot mistakes.
How to take Business to the Next Level
Business in China

How to take Business to the Next Level

Having a business is hard work and full of thought. For many owners, the cost of living crisis and pandemic impact probably adds up to the problem, and is the reason why small businesses must survive despite the many challenging economic circumstances. Many small business owners have priorities for balancing the books for every month and achieving growth too. By carrying ambition and positivity, every business owner must understand how they are going to survive and take their business to the next level. Do small businesses need to level up? Every businessman will pursue their dream to bring their business to success. No business owner wants to be stuck in a condition and not develop their business. Leveling up their business is necessary to reach a wider market and aligned with more income. If there is a business that does not have a goal and does not understand what goals they are going to achieve next, then the business being run also cannot be understood whether it is profitable or losing. Even though running a small business is not an easy job because you have to think about ways to survive and brand awareness, business owners must still maximize opportunities and try to bring their brand to the wider public. That's why small businesses need to level up. What does it mean to take business to the next level? Taking small business to the next level implies that you need to bring high quality products and services, constantly refining and improving every aspect of what you provide and how you do it. Companies that continue to strive to provide the best and always have new steps to improve something that is lacking in their business show that they are ready to step into a better position. Knowing the results of taking the business to the next level can be seen from how many people are interested in our products or services, how much positive feedback we get from consumers, as well as evaluations from management to improve the quality of our products or services on a regular basis. We cannot judge for ourselves whether the small business we are running is already at a higher level or not, because there must be an outsider who evaluates it neutrally. If you need someone who can assess what is lacking in the business you are running, you can hire a professional auditor to conduct an overall audit. Smebrother is your answer for conducting audits and preparing your business to the top. There are many things that you can prepare to take your business forward and start to earn more. Let's take a look at some ways to take our business to the next level. Ways to take small business to the next level Doing many ways can ensure how we can do the best for the growth of our business. If you feel that in some way it will open up many new opportunities, then you can do several things at once and evaluate afterwards, until you feel the results. Stay current with technology Technology will continue to develop, and our efforts must be on the regular track of the technologies. Staying updated with technologies can open doors for enhancement and development. Knowing which side of technology can be utilized for our business will help a lot to save money, time, and other resources. We can assess whether our business can be aligned with the latest technology, or we have to find a way, so that our business is not left behind. Innovation by keep moving forward Many business owners still question why small businesses need new innovations. Innovation is the lifeblood of every business, because every business must keep moving forward and unlocking better ways to deliver what the customer wants. Providing services or products without new innovations will not make consumers happy with your services or products. If you are always thinking about targeting a new market, trialing a fresh way of working, testing a new product, offering new services or products with a new look, you will never lose sight and add new customer possibilities. Remember, whatever changes you make must be in line with your goals, and evaluate whether they are in accordance with business growth. Ensure every employee understands the direction you are headed to achieve the same business mission. Boost productivity Do not get the wrong idea that productivity will increase along with the number of working hours. Having to work every day of every week doesn't always make your business run well, in fact, this hustle culture will burn you out. You have to understand how many hours of employee time will spend their best thought and energy, without having to waste time on things that have nothing to do with work. Do not force your employees, or yourself to work more than 6 hours, because scientifically humans will only be able to fully focus on working for a maximum of 6 working hours. Instead of making long to-do lists without timings, you can change them with quick ticks lists and flexible working hours. Give rules such as not allowing employees to use cellphones for purposes other than work, and giving time alone for employees to take a small break. Don't forget to organize additional hours or certain days for relaxation such as game time, time to chat with co-workers, and discuss something fun. Commit to continous learning Learning new things and continuing to upgrade knowledge is one of the keys to bringing your business forward. You need to commit to doing regular learning to build prospects for new ideas. No matter how much a person has achieved and gained, there's always room to grow. You can learn from other people who are more experienced, read books, attend seminars, or brainstorm with employees. Continuous learning must not only be carried out by business owners, but also employees. You can involve employees to take part in online training, mentoring, self-paced programs, or integrated opportunities. You can implement what you learn into a business strategy until you can go in the right direction and help your business in the long run. Change of marketing activities Along with the development of technology, many entrepreneurs have carried out online marketing for their business expansion proceedings. Online marketing techniques can move your business forward faster than using a traditional approach. You need to learn some social media, and online methods to market your products and services. Opening online platforms is now much easier, and you can get knowledge for free on YouTube or online documents. If you can use social media well, you can create a website to gain customer's trust and flourish the business professionally. If you feel overwhelmed to carry out one of the marketing methods, you can do both traditional and online methods, and do more methods that you think will generate more opportunities for new customers.   Maintaining a business and bringing it to a better direction is the goal of every business owner. You can start from how you learn new things yourself, and continue to innovate so that your business is not stuck in just one position. You can involve employees for business development and align your business goals with them and reach the top together.
Reasons Why an Internal Audit is Necessary in a Company

Reasons Why an Internal Audit is Necessary in a Company

Business owners often ask: is an internal audit necessary? What if we only run a small business and have limited resources to take internal audit programs? The obvious answer is "Yes" if your clients depend on you to provide compliant, efficient, and secure services. There are many evaluations that we can get during internal auditing, such as how are we going to make improvements? is our business meeting our goals? Are there any gaps between our procedures and policies? Some of these questions are important for us to discuss for smooth business development. Knowing about a few things is not enough to know the reasons why internal auditing is necessary. Let's take a look about the benefits of internal auditing, the main reason about the company's needs for internal audits, and the step-by-step to conduct internal audits. Why Internal Audit is necessary for a company? Audits will ascertain how risks are handled by the company, judging by whether the progress is in accordance with the business plan, and whether the procedures are carried out properly. If you use internal auditors, they will evaluate and check the controls a company has. The role of internal auditors is to provide assurance in the company's risk management, internal control until it operates effectively, and to be a defense mechanism in detecting any violations in regulations, laws, and provisions of agreements and contracts. Internal audit is necessary for bringing value and improving a company's actions. The main aim is to increase effectiveness and evaluate risk management. Internal auditing has everything about monitoring how the business develops through internal control which has been instilled by management. Advantages of conducting internal audits There are many benefits that you can get when a company conducts an internal audit. The main advantage is helping the management effectively. It will highlight any incorrect progress and rectify the progress that leads to improvement and get the process efficiency. After the internal audits are well-performed, management has the opportunity to take appropriate decisions and review performance regarding operational improvement. Not only for companies, but internal audits will keep employees alert about their jobdesk and improving their efficiency. Auditing can examine which areas need to be improved or eliminated to maximize the allocation of resources and be of full benefit to the organization. There are many values that can be obtained after an organization carries out internal audits, which are: Decrement in business operations errors Improved business permormance quality Increased profit, cost recovery, dan decreased cost Controlled risk management Better communication to employees with appropriate hierarchy and clarity regarding duties and responsibilities Preparation of reports and workflows become more structured and efficient After knowing the many benefits of conducting an audit, you need to have a step-by-step planning. Step-by-step to conduct internal audits Detailed planning Planning is the key to performing a successful audit. Several factors such as What, When, and How will the audit be must be prepared from the start. Choose whether you want to audit the whole or only part of the organization. The more time you have for planning a proper audit, the better quality and flexibility in the evocative audits. Preparation After planning, the next step is preparation. Prepare the audit with constructing day operations. If you have many departments, choose which department to inspect and evaluate first. The preparation step involves the results from previous internal audits and examining them with the current results. Perform the audit After the preparation is complete, do the audit. Carry out inspections and determine whether the organization meets the standards or requirements to meet the purposes or necessary certification. Auditors will collect information and look for evidence from several sources, such as employee interviews, documentation, or forms. After the auditors accumulated a record, they will begin calculation, examination and evaluation. Publishing Wait until the internal auditors have finalized their audit. They will publish the conclusions in a report. The report will pinpoint all the issues deliberated and emphasized on areas that need to be corrected, paid attention to, and require development. The results of the audit report will be delivered and discussed with management. Act Auditors will make suggestions and measurements as a final phase, then management can start implementing areas that need improvement. Conducting audits should not be too infrequent, because there must be comparisons between previous audits and recent results. If you don't conduct audits regularly, then management cannot find which areas are problematic or need corrections. So, the more problems there are in an organization, the more it makes sense to audit more frequently until a solution is found and changes are implemented effectively. If you already understand how an audit has a big impact on a company, you can hire professional auditors like Smebrother and carry out company improvements as fast as possible.
The Basics of Small Business Accounting in 2023
Accounting Service

The Basics of Small Business Accounting in 2023

Starting a business and trying their best to develop it is the goal of every businessman. After preparing many things for the running of the business, the next step is deciding how to manage and structure your finances. If you study small business accounting, you'll save time to get simple business finances and reduce the stress at any given moment. New businesses need a strong financial foundation to keep the business steady and keep the money on the right path. If you have never known about how to structure business accounting, let's take a look about the basics of small business accounting in 2023. What is small business accounting? All processes of recording, analyzing and tracking the financial transactions of your business. The business accounting will translate numbers into a comprehensive statement about business profitability. Many business owners think accounting is a boring aspect because they can't freely follow their business plan, but it is also necessary to maintain cash flow and avoid piles of paperwork. The business accounting will track all the in and out flows including sales, purchases, liabilities and payments. For small businesses, it will be bookkeeping, creating financial reports, and filing tax returns. Accounting will help any business owner pay attention to the values and health of the company and make better decisions about short and long term success. How to do accounting for small business? The most basic method to do business accounting is manual recording with a pen and paper, but it takes a lot of patience and has a high error rate. At least two people must do the same recording to avoid misses. To start properly, you can use accounting software or hire professionals like Smebrother. If you are still confused about choosing between hiring a professional, looking for an accounting software application or doing it yourself, there are a few things you need to do first. Choose business structure wisely The business structure will affect everything you do in your business. There are four basic business structures: Sole proprietorship, Limited liability company, partnership, and corporation. If you are a single owner, you can choose a sole proprietorship because it requires little setup, but there is no legal differentiation between your business and you as owner. An LLC is almost the same as a sole proprietorship, but is not responsible for business debt. You can have multiple partners and be more flexible in filing business taxes. If you run a business with more than one person, you can share ownership through partnerships. Each partner is responsible for developing the business, with detailed duties and responsibilities in a partnership agreement. Or the last option, corporation. It's the most complex business structure, but has many benefits, such as lower corporate taxes, and legal protection. But remember, choosing this one is complicated and requires a lot of money. Open a business bank account Every business structure requires a business bank account. Even if you choose a sole proprietor, it's good to have a separate account rather than your own. Having a business bank account makes it easier for you to file business taxes, increases the confidence of anyone who wants to do transactions with you, and separates the business income from your personal funds. Choose an accounting method Don't just rely on simple accounting experience just checking accounts at the end of the month. You must understand the difference between the cash accounting method and the accrual accounting method. The cash method is the simpler method and is suitable for freelancers with limited accounting activity. You have to recognize revenue and expenses when money comes out of a bank account or changes hands. The accrual method provides an accurate picture for business health, because it recognizes revenue when earned, and only sees expenses when they occur. It's more complicated than the cash method. Learn how to manage income and expenses Handling income and expenses is the same as handling the majority of financial transactions. You need to learn how to invoice. White an invoice to provide customers an easy way to pay. You can link to online payment options, or explain an easy way for customers to pay you. Next, pay your bills in time, because good credit is important for every business. Don't forget to record all of your expenses to pay accurate taxes at the end of the year. Enter all financial transactions whether you record them manually, or use accounting software. Don't forget to do it regularly and properly entered. Reconcile bank accounts Many business owners skip this step because they are already using electronic banking. But don't skip this step because reconciling bank accounts each month is necessary. It will help you to pinpoint any bank errors and identify items that must be in the general ledger. Run financial statements Once all transactions have been entered, you are ready to run financial statements. Enter adjusting entries by starting with an unadjusted trial balance and help locating any out-of-balance accounts. After everything is done, look over the financial statements to analyze how your business is running. You must run three financial statements each month: profit and loss statement, statement of cash flow, and balance sheet. What are accounting best practices for small businesses? The key of accounting best practices is to separate personal finance and business finance. You cannot put these two things together, because business finances will not be healthy because they are mixed with personal matters. Maintaining accurate records by checking at the end of each month, as well as tracking income and expenses. Every small business requires neat and appropriate records in order to properly analyze their business performance. Don't let a lot of mistakes in income and expenses. Do not let expenses be greater than income, because it can have a big effect on the course of your business. Prepare several business plans to prepare for unexpected costs, and keep the finances in check. Do you already know the basics of small business accounting? If you still feel overwhelmed with business accounting, you can consider getting an accounting software or hiring professional accountants.
Best Strategies to Improve Employee Performance

Best Strategies to Improve Employee Performance

Companies tend to choose employees with high qualifications in the recruitment process. It was only the beginning. Maintaining employee performance to keep showing their best is more important. If companies want to achieve long-term success, they must recognize that their employees are valuable assets to them. When an employee does not perform well, it will affect the company's achievement. Employee performance can be observed from the work quality completed, the ability to meet deadlines, as well as the way they communicate both with customers and colleagues. Many companies find it difficult to improve employee performance and motivate them. It only needs a simple-basic thing, that is better communication. Tell the employees what kind of performance we expect them to perform, and give them feedback on their work progress and result. Give the best commitment to do it regularly, day by day, to support our employees in improving their performance. But first, make the expectation clear. How Do You Define High Performance? The term "high performance" may be interpreted differently by many people. We can say high performance is achieving better than expected results consistently. Other literature says high performance is the capability in dealing with a high standard. So, a high-performing employee is someone who consistently overachieves the expectation set for them. Setting clear goals and identifying how to asses employees’ performance is necessary before improving their performance. Here are some ways to define high performance. 1. Map employees according to their characteristics, skills, and abilities to set a baseline. Identify the high-performing employees of the team and find out what makes them better than their peers when performing the same role. Discover the traits, skills, and competencies that enable them to drive them success in the role. We can set a baseline for every specific role and use it to improve all team members’ performance. 2. Connect individual outputs to strategic value. Every role has potential impacts. Review the job descriptions and determine the most expected outcome for each role. Identify which outcome has the most strategic value and sort the tasks of each role according to priority. It will help employees to focus their best efforts on those outputs when plays a specific role. 3. Generate a standardized criteria to assess employees performance. Evaluating employee performance so far has been difficult, because there are no clear criteria. Often managers as assessors are subjective, only using their perceptions or preferences. Without clear criterias, managers can only estimate whether the performance is adequate. Managers should assess each employee performance based on the outcomes achieved. To consider whether an employee performs high-performance, list the specific outcome for each role after setting up the baseline and determining each role strategic impact. Why is it important to improve employee performance in a workplace? Employees' performance plays a critical role in the company's success. If the employees are productive and well-motivated, it will be easy for them to meet the targets. The more employees perform high performance, the faster and easier the company achieves its goals. Otherwise, the company may spend more time and energy to get the employees nailed on the target set up for them. Maximizing employee performance makes the employees work more efficiently. It will make the company accomplish its goals earlier and cost more effectively. Moreover, this can increase employee satisfaction with the company so that employee turnover rarely occurs. We all agree that the employees' experience in a role influences their performance. If it happens too frequently, it will affect the quality of the work. Top 4 Ways to Improve Work Performance There are many different strategies to improve employees' work performance. You can manage the daily practices better and create better communication. You can start defining the expectation clearly, communicating effectively, listening more, avoiding micromanaging, creating a performance improvement plan as needed, conducting employee training, and encouraging feedback.  You can also improve employee performance by creating a better workplace culture. Here are the top four ways to improve work performance. Demonstrating authenticity Show that the company supports and respects authenticity. Leaders must demonstrate the company's values in their daily actions. It will increase employee loyalty and respect for the company so that their performance will also increase. Leaders also need to reward employees for their high performance, for example showing verbal recognition in meetings to increase employee pride in their work. So, there will be good collaboration between the leaders and the employees to find better and faster solutions. Creating a culture of a transparency You can create a culture of transparency by letting employees feel the performance of everyone in the company so they can see whether their contributions fit in. It can make everyone motivated to work better and get higher results. You can also declare objectives and main results framework to create transparency. The employees can see how their work relates to the company's goals. With this perspective, employees can build self-awareness and can improve their performance. Encouraging Stretch goals Get the employees to move out of their comfort zone by encouraging them to set stretch goals. Stretch goals are ambitious goals and may seem impossible to achieve. It can make them continue to do self-improvement and learn. Even though this seems risky, encouraging employees to set stretch goals can make them feel that the company trusts their capability and values their contribution. Appreciation Employees who have worked according to expectations and targets need to be given appreciation. You can give appreciation by making them employee of the month to encourage others to be on the same spot. Don't forget to give souvenirs or corporation gifts to lift their spirit to pursue being the best every month. If employees are well motivated and keep at good performance, you can plan to hold a field trip or office vacation once a while.   How to improve employee performance is crucial in helping the company achieve its ultimate goals. The company should not hesitate to invest in one of its most valuable assets. Many companies provide proper training to boost their employees' performance. It might take time, cost, and effort, but it will be worth it. If the employees' performance is improved, their productivity is also increasing. They will accomplish the targets better and faster. So, the company needs less time and energy to achieve its goals. It is one step closer to the company's success. If you're looking for a reliable source of information and resources for small and medium-sized businesses, look no further than Our website offers a wide range of articles, guides, and tools to help entrepreneurs grow their businesses and overcome challenges. Whether you're just starting out or looking to take your business to the next level, our team of experts is here to support you every step of the way. Check out today and see how we can help your business thrive.
2023創業須知 | 代理記賬的定義是什麼?有什麼好處?
Accounting Service

2023創業須知 | 代理記賬的定義是什麼?有什麼好處?

代理記賬的定義 代理記賬是會計諮詢、服務機構及其他組織等經批准設立從事會計代理記賬業務的中介機構接受獨立核算單位的委託,並代替其辦理記賬、算賬、報賬業務的一種社會性會計服務活動。代理記賬的主體是經批准設立從事會計代理記賬業務的中介機構,包括會計師事務所、代理記賬公司及其他具有代理記賬資格的中介機構。  根據《中華人民共和國會計法》規定,各單位應當根據會計業務的需要,設置會計機構,或者在有關機構中設置會計人員並指定會計主管人員;不具備設置條件的,應當委託經批准設立從事會計代理記賬業務的中介機構代理記賬。 代理記賬比單獨請會計的優勢 1、正規專業   具備代理記賬資質機構都是經過財政局審核批准、工商登記的代理記賬機構,正規可靠。好的代理記賬公司由資歷深的會計師領銜,並配置結構合理的會計團隊,他們之間專業互補,相互協作,聘請這樣的代理記賬公司等於聘請了一個會計師團隊。 2. 節省人員直接成本   招聘一名比較普通的會計,每月基本工資要兩三千元,剛畢業的會計也需要一千五左右,會計師每月至少三五千元,高等的會計、外貿會計和外資會計費用更高。而與財務公司合作,支付不到一個普通會計人員的費用,即可享品質更高、更專業化的財稅服務,這也是代理記賬主要好處之一。目前,成都代理記賬服務收費標準一般五六百元起價,對於簡單的核定徵收企業要低一些,總體上都是根據企業性質、規模、行業、業務量、是否上門服務和客戶要求,以及代理記帳公司的客戶定位、會計水平、會計質量等不同而異。 3. 企業額外負擔小 企業聘用會計人員,在工資之外還要繳納養老、失業、醫療、公積、生育、工傷等社會保險或綜合保險,發生意外還有勞保等一系列勞動用工方面的費用支出,有的企業還要考慮吃住、福利等。新勞動合同法實施後,對社保要求更嚴格,還有各種新增補償等費用,人員成本明顯增加。聘請財務公司代理記帳則不會存在這些問題,無需繳納社保,無需考慮福利和可能發生的諸如補償費用等其他方面費用等。 4. 便於保守企業經營機密 財務部門在企業都很“特殊”,都會接觸一些企業經營機密!代理記帳公司為“第三方”機構,與企業沒有過多密切接觸和復雜關係,同時有行業規範和行業信譽制約,更有利於保守企業經營機密。 5、財務工作不會中斷   一般企業都非常重視企業財務的穩定性。如果企業財務人員不穩定,工作銜接就成問題,不僅影響工作,還要花費時間精力選聘人員。財務公司用團隊的力量確保代理記帳服務連續不斷。 6. 納稅申報及時準確   一般單位會計納稅申報如發生誤報、漏報、遲報,補繳稅款、滯納金、罰款等責任和經濟損失仍主要由單位承擔。代理記帳公司有專人審核報稅,能有效避免因不熟悉稅法,出現誤報、漏報、遲報等差錯和損失,還可在代理記賬委託協議中約定相關責任。 SME BRO代理記賬服務 需要代理記賬服務可以聯絡我們客服人員,我們有以下優勢:1、效率高:人員配備齊全,經驗豐富,使用專業的財務軟件進行會計核算和納稅申報,能夠有效地幫助企業高質量地完成會計和納稅申報工作; 2、準確度高:金融服務團隊,使用多種方式審查企業的財務報表,從而確保准確度、合法性;3、服務專業:時刻關注工商、財稅等方面的政策,可以幫助企業根據最新的政策進行報稅。以及根據實際情況進行合理的稅務籌劃。
中小型企業會計報稅2023攻略匯總|SME Bro
Accounting Service

中小型企業會計報稅2023攻略匯總|SME Bro

會計做賬也稱會計實務,指會計進行賬務處理的過程,一般從填製憑證開始到編制報表結束的整個過程。報稅是指納稅人按照稅法規定的期限和內容向稅務機關提交有關納稅事項書面報告的法律行為,是納稅人履行納稅義務、承擔法律責任的主要依據,是稅務機關稅收管理信息的主要來源和稅務管理的一項重要製度。不同企業,不同地區,報稅也不同。報稅時間一般在每月1-10號,所得稅是每季度1-15號等。會計報稅大致分為會計資料準備、申報資料準備、納稅申報和申報後期工作等四個方面的內容。  報稅的基礎程序工作分為以下4點: 1、按財務法則設立完善的賬務制度; 2、按照財務法則有專門從業人員做賬務處理; 3、經工商管理部門核查審批通過、進行網上稅務申報和紙質稅務相結合方式報稅;  4、拿銀聯卡到稅務部門進行稅務申報。 總結:增值稅申報分為抄稅和報稅兩個流程。會計人員進入發票系統,報稅務部門可以獲取到稅務部門的電腦信息,並且可以以此做為納稅人計算稅額的依據。這也是相關會計人員每個月必須做的工作之一,按照具體的操作順序實施。   會計報稅的流程 (一)發票認證系統 1. 報稅員在每月30號或者31號前,審核從應付會計處取得的增值稅進項發票(包括票面信息填寫齊全、密碼區打印在限定區域內、印章清晰完整、票面整潔無損),對不符合增值稅發票要求的,退回採購員處,由採購員重新向供應商索取合格的增值稅發票; 2. 對合格的增值稅發票進行電腦掃描、核對,將掃描好的數據保存在3.5寸盤或U盤,在30號或者31號拿到稅務機關進行認證,稅務機關將通過當期認證的信息反饋至提交的軟盤中,當月認證完畢的進項發票必須在當月抵扣 。 3 .將載有反饋信息的軟盤讀入電子申報系統,完成增值稅進項發票的認證作業。並按稅務機關的要求將已通過認證的發票按每本25份裝訂,以備查。如果作為固定資產退稅的進項稅額,則不允許進行抵扣,要在讀入的信息後在系統中設置為“本期不抵扣”。  (二)免抵退申報系統: 1.報稅員根據政府統一格式的出口報關單(白單)錄入免抵退稅申報系統本期出口信息;根據已報關出口的報關單轉載自經濟生活網,請保留此標記(黃單))、外匯核銷單、出口發票錄入本期單證收齊信息,完成後形成申報盤並向稅務機關預申報,稅務機關將電子信息反饋至報盤中再由企業讀入該信息。 2.讀入預審反饋信息後,即可生成”免抵退”正式申報盤向稅務機關進行正式申報,並打印相關報表。 3. 免抵退申報表的數據應與”電子申報表”的數據核對,確保准確無誤。  (三)個人所得稅申報系統 1. 錄入公司員工基本資料 2. 每月工資核算後,跟工資核算員索取每月公司員工薪資情況表,導入系統中,計算所得稅額是否跟薪資表結果一樣。  常見問題 1. 剛成立有限公司後,何時才須要報稅?  答案: 每間有限公司約成立後18個月後,會收到香港稅務局發出的利得稅報稅表。除非得到稅務局同意延期,否則收到稅表後三個月便要報稅。 若沒有在指定期限滿前提交報稅表,即屬違法,並會受到懲罰。新成立公司第一份財務報表可選擇有18個月的財政年度,以後便以每12個月的財政年度,且選擇的財政年度的日期不能超過18個月。 2. 香港公司每年需繳交什麼稅? 答案: 香港公司每年只須繳付利得稅,此稅項以利潤的16.5% (2007/08: 17.5%)來計算。如公司沒有盈利,也就不需要繳交利得稅 。 3. 香港公司的發票收據是由哪個部門製作的? 答案: 跟中國內地不同,香港公司的發票收據並不是由稅務局統一印製,而是由公司根據公司的業務性質自行印製的。發票收據及其它單據只要加蓋公司印章,並由負責人鑒署後就可生效。 4. 香港公司何時年結? 答案: 通常習慣以每年的3月31日或12月31日作為計稅基期。香港公司第一年計稅基期最長為18個月。 一般的法定財政年度為3月31日,很少選擇在12月31日 (一般回中國內地作投資用途的香港公司,為與中國內地的財政年度相互銜接,多選擇以12月31日為財務基準日期)。 5. 第一年報稅後,收到稅局發出的三年不發稅表通知書,是否代表三年內不須理帳和審核?  答案: 收到三年不發稅表通知書,不表示三年不用理帳及核數,只代表稅務局不主動發出利得稅報稅表;如在任何一個評稅年度內,公司發生任何利潤,都必須主動向稅務局申請報稅表,並且報稅,即表示每年都需要理帳及審核,否則董事將需承擔相關的行政責任。 6. 何謂暫繳利得稅? 答案: 利得稅是根據課稅年度內的實際利潤而徵收的。由於某一年的利潤要到該年度完結之後才能確定,因此稅務局會在該年度完結前徵收暫繳稅。在下一年當有關年度的利潤評定後,已繳付的暫繳稅款可作支付該年度應繳付的利得稅。


⼀般中⼩型企業在營業初期都相信有能⼒自行處理公司會計的工序。但是隨著企業的發展,這些工作無疑變得更加複雜和耗時。不久後,企業會開始認真考慮為公司的會計工作聘⽤會計師事務所。事實上,這個決定應該被視為一項公司投資,因為可以為你節省大量時間和開支! 以下 5 點為你解構中小企需要會計服務的理由 1.節省時間成本 中小型企業因時常需要處理公司各方向的問題,而導致公司的會計經常被忽略。審查企業的每⼀個財務細節都需要花費很多時間, 若該公司缺乏會計知識,審查財務更耗時,犯錯可能性隨之上升。 如將會計工作外判給專業公司時可以節省更多時間,騰出空間專心拓展公司業務。和公司內部會計師相⽐,專業會計師行所提供的經濟規模能使中小型企業獲得更多的資源和資訊。 2. 獲取專業知識並節省金錢和避免罰款 會計服務對中小企業而言是非常重要的。無論想聘用內部會計還是購買會計軟件,對於剛剛創業的公司可能負擔甚重。 選用會計服務會更有效率及提供足夠具備會計資格人手協助處理財務事項,可以為企業節省成本。如聘請內部會計⼈員,日積月累的固定成本不容⼩覷。 此外,會計師事務所能幫助企業避免錯誤納稅申報,逾期提交文件和誤解當地法例,從而減低罰款的機會。 3.全面瞭解公司的財務狀況 中小企業可通過財務報告分析結果來提高其業務的盈利能力。SMEBro可以為企業定下各種財務指標和報告,以助分析公司的財務狀況並為公司識別財務警號。 會計師事務所還可以幫助企業進行業務預測和製定公司預算和業務策略。通過幫助企業瞭解其業務、分辯盈利來源以及其成本結構等關鍵細節,令公司可以重新分配資源,提高其盈利。 4.改善現金流量管理 為了改善企業現金流量的管理,工會為企業提供不同管理技巧和採用最先進會計管理工具。 SMEBro會為企業提供不同現金管理技巧及改善客戶的現金流水平。我們會每月提供現金流報告,以便客戶能確切地知道該月的現金流。 另外, 我們能幫助中小企業分析應收帳款、應付帳款到期日並提升預測公司的現金流量變化,令中小型企業可以與供應商建立相應的支付週期,並透過改善應收賬款來增加現金儲備。 5.更好的審計協調 會計師在審計過程中起著舉足輕重的作用。根據《香港公司條例》,所有在香港成立的公司均需每年對其財務報告進行審計。 會計師事務所可以在審計過程中提供極大的幫助。首先,可以先解決複雜的會計問題,並充當公司與審計師顧問。其後,審計師在審計過程中能加快檢查公司的財務報表,以確定它們是否符合香港稅法以及會計和審計準則。 審計師也能直接提出問題,並減輕企業家的負擔。   以上資料,謹供參考。如有任何有關報稅、審計、會計的疑問,我們歡迎閣下的查詢。